RICK & MORTY vs. SECRET ORIGIN/AL SINS? [Reviews]: Swimmin’ w/ The Sunday Stash.

It’s hard not to wax poetic for about how great Adult Swim’s brand new show, Rick and Morty is.. but the more time spent reading about it means the less time actually being able to watch it. So let’s get down to the brass tacks: Rick and Morty is one of the best shows that …

DAREDEVIL / BUFFY / THE WITCHER [Reviews]: Breath, Spit, Walk.

This week finds your favorite Traveling Apostle in the capital of the south, Richmond, Virginia, where not only did Jefferson Davis -- the Norman Osborn of the 1800's -- set up shop for dominion but so has a great little shop called Velocity Comics. I popped in here to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the …