The Weekly Worship: MATT FRACTION’s got comics “Uatu” read.

Yup, it’s witty; sure, it’s typical of our blog headlines; and, uh-huh, you bet we stole it. Don’t be surprised if half the comic industry starts stealing other elements from Matt Fraction in the coming weeks, as well. This man is on fire. But, before I go on to cover a pair of this week’s …

Marvel [Comics Reviews]: Ghosts, Goblins & Savage Land Dino’s, Oh My!

May 22nd will forever be known as "Interlude Week." Over at DC, Batman Incorporated took a breather for the Batman of Japan; Justice League's "prelude to Trinity" was more like "why is Elemental Girl here and how can we use her?"; Aquaman even exchanged writers to focus on The Others (pun, sorta kinda maybe, intended?); …