QUANTUM BREAK [Review]: Time 4 Sum Aksion.

Ironically, we're late to review a game that revolves around time. But that's OK--GHG knows you don't mind, seeing how the famed Max Payne/Alan Wake developers, Remedy, have already made you wait long enough... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruY1eT9bXiw But is this union between AAA video game and Netflix-styled TV series worth the wait, hype, and ambition? Well, that will …

GHG’s TOP & MOST ANTICIPATED VIDEO GAMES of 2015/2016 [Podcast]: Welcome Home.

You read the Best Video Games of 2015 lists, now find out WHY we put them there. It's your favorite gamer parishioners, good geeks of the church, with your host "Monsignor" Travis Moody (who's a total homer); "Dynast" Dana Keels (who still plays Nintendo?); "Sister" Sarah (whose list is quite "horror-fic") and her nerd-hubby "Saint" …

RAINBOW SIX SIEGE / RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER [Reviews]: Get Yo’ Gift Cards Ready!

They sometimes say that it's "better late than never," but with Christmas swiftly approaching and moms, boyfriends, and sisters tired of dealing with crowds and malls and your disapproval of every gift ("Shadow of Mordor, AGAIN?"), gift cards are the best way to go--ESPECIALLY for the lot of quality video games from this past year. …

STAR WARS – BATTLEFRONT [Review Podcast]: The Parish Awakens.

I've got a bad feeling about this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2xp-qtUlsQ Just in time for all you disciples who might have just gotten a brand new next-gen console on Black Friday, some of our most faithful Star Wars evangelists finally have gotten together to spread the word of the Force. Feel it flow through you as "Brother" Myke Ladiona, …