With the Electronic Entertainment Expo — E3, parishioners — just a couple days away, we’ve still got a few more games to preview. Welcome to Day Nigh!
“DEACON” FELIPE CRESPO @theheelternal
GOD OF WAR 4 (Sony Interactive Entertainment – PlayStation 4 – TBA 2017) – I love God of War. And by that, I mean I hate God of War. GoW 2 is one of my favorite games ever. And 3, well.. that was good. What made me sour on it is: A) Kratos is a dick. Seriously, he’s a straight up, ungrateful, psychopathic garbage person. B) He can’t take ownership of his own mistakes. C) He couldn’t understand the meaning of closure if he was reading a dictionary and then had it explained to him by Athena herself. And the worse reason of all: Goddamn franchise milking (looking at you, 2005’s Kingdom Hearts 2 and your 10 or “point.whatevers” that are out there and such). One prequel? Cool. Two? Really?.. Three fucking prequels and a remaster for a game from last-gen that still looks good?! Wtf?! It should’ve been 2.

(cont.) *deep breath* Regardless of what you might be thinking, this is a hype/hope article for GoW 4. There are rumors that it won’t be Greek mythology. Thank fuck. It’s more played out than Assassin’s Creed‘s European settings. I would LOVE to have a Norse protagonist wielding a shield and axe, going up against Odin, Freya, Fenrir, and the like–and please get rid of the blades of Athena; mix it up or it will feel like “more of the same”. Don’t be afraid to mix it up, or, perhaps, have an Egyptian setting, where you are a gladiator or slave that goes up the ranks.. A disgruntled general that lost everything and is hell bent on taking on Anubis and Ra.. Whatever path we end up taking in God of War 4, I just hope it involves neither Kratos, nor weapons that resemble the blades of Athena.
HORIZON ZERO DAWN (Guerilla Games/Sony Interactive – PlayStation 4 – February 28, 2017) – Sony Interactive and Killzone‘s Guerilla Games bring us a futuristic dystopian action RPG that is set to impress. With our hero, Aloy, a hunter/archer, Horizon is described as an Assassin’s Creed and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim hybrid — all in likely due to the silent takedowns and the ability to craft weapons from whatever scrap the player collects in the game. When not on missions, players will explore the open world, and, with no loading screen, players will also be able to level up Aloy in the trigger of a heartbeat. Look for more narrative hints and a gameplay “hook” (beyond just the beautiful graphics and allthat) during Sony’s press conference this coming Monday afternoon.
BATMAN: THE TELLTALE SERIES (Telltale Games – PS4, X1 – Summer 2016) – Coming soon. In perhaps just a few weeks, Telltale Games will bring upon the most anticipated addition to its already stacked group of IPs — The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us, Tales from the Borderlands, Minecraft: Story and Game of Thrones: Batman. And, get this: we get to play as Bruce Wayne! Now I know what you are wondering (“How the hell could this be exciting?”), but what you do as Wayne during the day conversely affects how you will play as Batman, and vice versa. Say you see a wrongdoing committed by a shady businessman, do you go after them as Bruce Wayne? Or do you wait a bit and take vengeance as The Bat? Telltale writer Pierre Shorette compares this to Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy, with the art being inspired by famed artists Jim Lee, Greg Capullo, and Neal Adams. Here’s the cast thus far: Troy Baker in the role of Bruce Wayne, Travis Willingham as Harvey Dent, Erin Yvette as Vicki Vale, Enn Reitel as Alfred Pennyworth, Murphy Guyer as Lieutenant James Gordon, Richard McGonagle as Carmine Falcone, and Laura Bailey as Selina Kyle. No word on the major villains yet, but stay tuned for a Telltale Games’ announcement at E3.