With the Electronic Entertainment Expo — E3, parishioners — less than one week away, we’ve still got a slew of games to preview. Welcome to Day Hey!

INJUSTICE 2 (NetherRealm/WB Interactive Ent. – PS4, X1 – 2017) – Funny, that I would pick this game before this morning’s announcement trailer. Funnier, to most of you, that I would pick a game that sharply resembles the Most Hated Superhero Movie on the Planet, the one I loved and continue to support; the one that many of the same people who will indubitably adore this game will always hate. Maybe Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice should have just been a video game sequel to Batman: Arkham Knight, and then all peace would be had in the realm of nerdom. I say.. Hahahahahahehehehehe!!!
(cont.) Luckily for all of you ingrates, this sequel to the mega cool Injustice: Gods Among Us continues the greatness that was the title’s single player campaign story–a rare feat in the land of mindless fighters. Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon promises intuitive new features and inventive fight game mechanics, in addition to an immense number of character look, strategy and style customizations ala Injustice 2’s RPG-inspired Gear System. Expect new environments, environment destruction, Atrocitus, Supergirl, Gorilla Grodd, and possibly Swamp Thing, Captain Cold and Blue Beetle, too. My painted white palms are sweaty already.
“SALVATION” RYAN SCOTT @ryanscottwrites
KINGDOM HEARTS III (Square Enix – X1, PS4 – TBA 2017) – Disney, especially now, is big on capitalizing in pretty much every single way possible– and, for the most part, we as fans are better off for it. We gamers have been getting to enjoy Disney Infinity and Star Wars Battlefront, but perhaps the best Disney game franchise of all time is noticeably missing right now: Kingdom Hearts 3. With E3 coming up, all of us who played the first two installments are hoping, wishing, praying that we finally get some firm details and some new footage of the long awaited third installment. While the recently announced KH 2.8 should do well to tide us over in the meantime, we deserve a current generation, new version of the Disney melting pot video game franchise (which can be seen at the end of the video down below). The company has said to expect some sort of announcement in the winter, but they could be ready to–finally–surprise us all at E3.
(cont.) Aside from just being able to enjoy characters from virtually every corner of the Disney universe, the gameplay and level design of Kingdom Hearts has always been way better than it has any business being, and a modern installment has limitless possibilities for Disney nerdgasms. Since the last one came out, Disney has been acquiring properties left and right and has made some great additions to their library. Big Hero 6, Star Wars, a boat load of Pixar characters and Zootopia’s rich world are all up for grabs, and it can only stand to improve what has already been a virtually flawless video game experience up to this point. If Square Enix does bring Kingdom Hearts 3 to E3, it has show stealing potential.
CALL OF DUTY: INFINITE WARFARE (Infinity Ward/Activision – X1, PC – November 4) – This November, Call of Duty brings us Infinite Warfare, and as it does, much hype is coming along for the ride. Now I’m a bit of a fangirl for the CoD franchise, and although CoD2 will always be my fave, I can see how CoDIW — with it’s scifi emphasis — will be finding a spot in my “must play” list before the year ends. In this latest release, battles (and if you ever get to the campaign) take place in space, which is apparently the main focus on the game. Infinite War takes place in the distant future, which gives gamers a chance to expect to experience aerial combat and, of course, some zero-gravity environments.
(cont.) Today, Activision announced that there will be a community event at the Forum in Inglewood, CA, dubbed “Call of Duty XP 2016”, from September the 2nd to the 4th. Expect the showcase to, uh-huh, showcase multiplayer and the new Zombie mode for Infinite Warfare (and likely Call of Duty: Remastered, included exclusively in the premium editions of CoDIW), with fans getting their hands on the games for the first time, including additional VR experiences. But arguably the best news swirling Call of Duty from today? Well, rumor has it (from Forbes, so who knows), that Game of Thrones own Kit Harrington might star in the forthcoming Infinite Warfare. Ladies, I think I like where this is going.