CALL OF DUTY: MODERN WARFARE (Infinity Ward/Activision – X1/PS4/PC – Octover 25, 2019) – What do you get when you delay the Raven/Sledgehammer Software version of Call of Duty for an Infinity Ward version? To add to the spice, what do you get when many of the original Infinity Ward staff returns from a hiatus working at ReSpawn? Oh I dunno a little title called… Call of Duty: Modern Warfare…
Little is known about the game, other than the rumors that Kotaku’s Jason Schreier tweeted a few days ago and the following official press release, courtesy of Activision:
It’s a “reimagining” of the series and they are going back to their roots. A few hours before the World Premiere of the trailer (1pm EST-10AM PST), news that no DLC’s are planned was rumored (although still not confirmed) and no Season Pass (confirmed). But maybe the best news of all? Modern Warfare 2019 will support cross-play on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC!!!!
Yeah, insane. The trailer begins with the familiar Captain Price, voiced by Billy Murray; and the familiar night vision sound. The beats are all there; CGI cutscenes, beaching and clearing, and a terrorist organization has control of a Weapon Of Mass Destruction. Welp, Mr. Schreier is right again. It is a soft reboot and the game’s title is Modern Warfare.
Now the wait begins.
-Adam Bowers