RAD (Double Fine/Bandai Namco Entertainment – PS4, X1, Switch, PC – August 20, 2019) – The 3D rogue-like actioner RPG where humanity has somehow survived two apocalypses and you are armed with a bat to smash and bash your way to saving what is left of the world. The contaminated wasteland your teenage player fights for survival in is known as the Fallow, which is overrun with a plethora of mutated creatures in an environment that is constantly changing…
Somewhere hidden in the radioactive sludge your world has become is the key to a flourishing new life and hopefully some surroundings that are a little less apocalypse-flavored. Prolonged exposure to the Fallow distorts your human DNA resulting in radical mutations and sick abilities that are wicked, disgusting, and possibly permanent.
Lee Petty is the project lead on RAD and is known for Headlander, Stacking, and as the art director for Brutal Legend. The unpredictable landscape of the Fallow means each playthrough of RAD will look different and the evolutions of your character will differ, as well.
How you play the game and how you adapt to your surroundings will change and will require the player to adjust on the fly. Different bats will be unlockable with certain advantages you wouldn’t have had otherwise; it sounds like there will be some sort of coin or financial bonuses that you can either choose to hoard away for a special occasion, or blow it all on customized clothing accessories.
I don’t get to play as many video games as I would like to these days as I tend to see way more movies. RAD has concepts that are reminiscent of Turbo Kid and Ready Player One. Is it weird that the gameplay reminds me of Zombies Ate My Neighbors, as well? These are all awesome inspirations any video game would probably be certified awesome just for including homage to. As long as gross mutations are the key to saving the world, we have a crazy amount of fun doing it, and look cool as hell in the process, then RAD certainly seems like a stylish and addictive beat ‘em up when it drops this August.
-Chris Sawin