Ten GHGamers give their Top 5 GOTY with honorable mentions. So let’s get to, and don’t forget to scroll down for our overall consensus GHG 2019 Game of the Year!

1. Resident Evil 2 (PS4/X1/PC) – Who knew a remake of a game that came out in the beginning of the year would stand it’s ground in being my personal GOTY in 2019? This remake kept all of the old school puzzles and iconic areas, while adding stunning graphics, cool character redesigns, and a nice over the shoulder, third-person perspective. I usually hesitate to give any remasters or remakes game of the year, but this felt like a completely different game and truly set the bar high for just how amazing remakes can be. I’m ready for the Nemesis. – 4.75/5

2. Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order (PS4/X1/PC) – A long-awaited single-player Star Wars game that humbly fit itself into the story and created a really fun action-adventure. This game took great elements from some of my favorite games (Dark Souls, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Metroid Prime), mashed them together and created an amazing time. While this game didn’t do anything groundbreaking, it’s still one of the most fun games I played this year and a damn good edition to the Star Wars franchise. – 4.25/5
3. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS4/X1/PC) – This was my most anticipated game this year because I love From Software games and Sekiro twisted the unforgiving, combat-heavy formula up by adding verticality and a gorgeous Samurai aesthetic. I had to unlearn everything I know from Dark Souls, making it feel like a fresh new perspective on Souls games. I’m ready to see how Elden Ring shapes out. – 4.25/5
4. Death Stranding (PS4) – Many gamers complain that too many AAA games don’t do anything too different, and there’s no denying that Death Stranding is the most unique game in the AAA space. It’s one of the most beautiful games on the market with some of the best world building, but because it’s gameplay is so different, the mass view on this game is extremely polarizing. I think that’s why it’s a great game and why Death Stranding is the best representation of what games evolved to in 2019. – 4.25/5
5. Astral Chain (Switch) – This is probably a choice that is taking people by surprise and trust me, it surprised me too. This was a game I considered putting on my backlog because we have so many good Hack and Slash games (Devil May Cry, Bayonetta). Yet somehow, the combination of the cool metal and electronic futuristic music, intuitive and dynamic combat, and a super anime story entertained me more than DMC or Bayonetta. Don’t kill me. – 4/5
Honorable Mentions: The Outerworlds, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Day’s Gone, The Division 2, Borderlands 3. (Note – I’m playing Control this holiday so it might make this list before 2020).
-Dee Assassina

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (PS4/XBOX/PC)
– I was sure that my number one spot would go to Apex Legends earlier this year. But since Modern Warfare came out I’ve barely played anything else. It keeps me coming back for more almost every day with its addictive grind, frequent updates and content dripped every few weeks with more maps, guns and operators. The newly released Battle Pass is also an excellent way to keep us engaged and staying interested. The only way I could possibly squeeze more fun out of CODMW is to have my hands on the Battle Royale mode we know is coming next year. Based on all the updates received and good fun had playing with friends, score has gone up. – 4.75/5

2. Apex Legends (PS4/XBOX/PC) – It was a hard decision to dethrone Apex and give the crown to someone else. Apex Legends still delivers one of the best Battle Royale experiences, and it has been updated with new Legends, new weapons and a new map since I last reviewed it. Though I don’t play it that often anymore, it’s still without a doubt one of the biggest games of 2019; with continuous support and future content, it’s here to stick around and add some variation to the popular fps genre. And since it’s free to play, there’s no reason not to download this if you haven’t done it yet. – 4.75/5
3. Gears 5 (XBOX/PC) – Xbox might not have the same impressive lineup as PlayStation in regards to the amount of titles available, but what The Coalition has achieved here is nothing but remarkable; Gears 5 runs and looks amazing. It’s arguably the most interesting take on the Gears universe yet. This cover-based shooter is still highly relevant and will captivate new and old fans. Best of all? It’s on Xbox Game Pass and I can’t recommend this service enough for its value provided. – 4.25/5
4. Devil May Cry 5 (PS4/XBOX/PC) – As a longtime fan of the series, DMC5 did not disappoint. It had me feeling like a complete badass back on PS2 when I first played it. And I still feel like a badass when I enter the dark world of DMC 5, slaying demons while pulling of jaw-dropping combos to a pumping and intense soundtrack. And with the addition of “V” added to the list of existing playable characters, there’s even more more options to explore in the excellent combat and combo system. – 4/5
5. Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled (Switch/PS4/XBOX) – Developer Beenox nailed this refuel by understanding and respecting what Naughty Dog achieved back in 1999 with the original CTR game. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: the distinct feel of the karts, the gratifying feel of executing perfect slide boosts around corners, the colorful and exciting tracks, the instant recognizable music, the teeth-grinding and punishing weapons in your arsenal. Everything that made CTR great is here and has not been tampered with. – 4/5 (against other racers its rating is a 4.5, however).
Honorable Mention: Shenmue 3 (The only reason this is not on my list is because I have JUST received my Kickstarter copy and have not unwrapped it yet. But I’m a huge fan of the two first Shenmue games and I’ve waited sooooo long for this sequel to come out. So I’m saving my most awaited title for my days off later this month. And no man, woman or God will stop me from enjoying every second of it this Christmas).
-Daniel Sorenson

1. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS4/X1/PC) – A beautiful and well-balanced experience that’s as approachable as it is challenging. Combat and world traversal are fluid and engaging creating a smooth-as-silk Shinobi experience. It was a very close run between Sekiro and Death Stranding for my top spot; but, in the end, FromSoftware’s latest was my most memorable 2019 release gaming experience. – 4.75/5

2. Death Stranding (PS4) – A truly fresh gaming experience that I didn’t realize I needed until I played it. Leave it to Kojima to make somehow make loneliness enjoyable. Death Stranding is a poetic, dreary, convoluted, absolutely breathtaking masterpiece. A much needed new experience that does just about everything but disappoint. – 4.5/5
3. Oninaki (PS4/X1/Switch) – A rather standard Japanese action-role playing game with an amazing visual art-style, a decent story and an awesome soundtrack. I’m partial to JRPGs so this one wasn’t difficult for me to find the good in despite it being nowhere near a perfect game. Despite all of its shortcomings (repetitive environments, lack of enemy variety, awkward and oftentimes uninteresting dialog) I was glad to have played it by the time the end credits rolled. – 3.25/5
4. Team Sonic Racing (PS4/X1) – It’s a good time! Nothing overly ambitious or mind-blowing. Just good clean fun. Awesome track design, a huge roster and an energetic soundtrack are TSR‘s highlights. A lackluster story and lazy writing are a couple of low points. But all-in-all, for a quick burst of cheesy, brightly colored racing action between most (if not all?) of the Sonic universe characters, this is a very solid choice. – 3.25/5
5. Every Amazing 2019 Game I Missed This Year – Sorry but that backlog was wild!
-Shaka Smith

1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – Gorgeous, insane replay value, three distinct storylines and perspectives, quality DLC… You really can’t complain about this gem. – 5/5
2. Mortal Kombat 11 (X1/PS4/Switch) – This came out in the first half of the year and can still be considered the graphical benchmark of the year. Add in another stellar story mode from NetherRealm Studios, badass DLC guest characters, tight gameplay, and you have another hit. Just shy of a 5 because I hate old characters being paid DLC *glares in Namco*. Here’s hoping my gut feeling of MK vs DC 2 happening pays off (the signs are there!!). – 4.75/5

3. Pokémon Shield/Sword (Switch) – Repeat character models (gasp! This happens a lot, people) and ugly tree textures aside (not kidding, people took a huge issue with this), I’m still loving this game. While I understand — but still roll my eyes at — the pokedex “controversy”, the one thing that truly bothers me is the lack of legit size scaling. Come tf on. Patch this, enough with the baby beasts. – 4.75/5
4. *TIE* The Outer Worlds (X1/PS4/PC) / Star Wars – Jedi: Fallen Order (X1/PS4/PC- TOW gave us delicious Fallout action in a world where Fallout 76 keeps generously shitting the bed. Detractors will say things like “It’s just a fallout clone!”, while people with half a brain reply “No shit. That’s why we’re on board”. Just wish it was longer. As far Jedi, it’s an EA game unironically on my list.. I’m as surprised as you. This spiritual successor to Force Unleashed is surprisingly great, feeling like a cross between DMC5 and Tomb Raider. Even if EA’s dumbass gave away the ending in a commercial and haven’t smartened up to offer Starkiller as a skin. – 4.5/5
5. Devil May Cry 5 (PS4/X1/PC) – So sad that this gem might get overlooked in lists because it came out earlier in the year. A true return to form to the series while maintaining and improving onelements from the DMC “reboot”. It’s too bad Capcom just doesn’t care enough about Devil as much as they do RE. DMC5 got zero DLC (as great as the game was, its replay value is laughable) and the series has yet to receive reimagining of older titles; just imagine the first one and 3 with the DMC5 engine… – 4/5
Honorable Mentions: Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order, Control, COD: Modern Warfare, Daemon X Machina, Resident Evil 2, Indivisible, Children of Morta (Switch), Bloodstained, Slay the Spire.
-Felipe Crespo

1. Death Standing (PS4) – Want to know how anal I am in Death Stranding? Got some 66 hours into the game, only in Chapter 6, as I’ve spent so much time rebuilding roads or building zipline systems to the prepper shelters. I can get anywhere I’ve been already in minutes or seconds. which drastically improves my ability to do premium deliveries to grind UCA Rep… Story can wait! (But holy shit you were all right; game’s fairly a mindfuck and a half). – 4.75/5
2. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – Those feels when you look at the combat forecast in Fire Emblem and don’t bother to look at the “Crit Chance” for the enemy… Thankfully Divine Pulse lets you undo a bad move with Byleth… as Mila’s Turnwheel in Valentia did not let you undo an Alm/Celica fuck up… – 4.75/5

3. Resident Evil 2 (PS4/X1/PC) – The RE2make is officially amazing. It only took a couple hours with Leon (A) to know I am in love. What is old feels fresh. What is fresh feels old. It is a perfect remake. And FYI, i you play Resident Evil 2 on Hardcore mode, you need an audio file of Ashley screaming “LEEON HEEEELP… HEEEELP ME LEEEEON!” randomly playing for full immersion. – 4.5/5
4. Code Vein (PS4/X1) – With its roots firmly in Dark Souls, Code Vein may be a clone, but it is a very solid clone. It brings enough new to the formula to feel new, while sticking closely to Dark Souls enough to also feel familiar. The result to me is an outstanding action RPG, that even Souls newbies should not sleep on. – 4.5/5
5. Judgment (PS4) – If you like the Yakuza series, there is no question you do not want to miss this game. If you have been curious about the Yakuza series but are hesitant to jump into a 7 game-deep story arc, this is the perfect place to start. With no direct connection to the main series, Judgment still offers up all the wild charm that its father series can muster. – 4.5
Honorable Mentions: Astral Chain, Concrete Genie, Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Note: I’ve not played Outer Worlds, Control or Jedi: Fallen Order yet!)
-Keiko Fukuyama

1. Resident Evil 2 (PS4/X1/PC) – By far the most impressive game of the bunch and it happens to be a remake. Perhaps it’s a strong case of overindulgence of the ‘member berries but from top to bottom RE2 had me on the edge of my seat. The survival-horror thriller is a slow-burn that is panic inducing and sure to leave your palms sweating. From hearing Mr. X’s footsteps getting louder or a gaggle of mindless, bloody-thirsty zombies bearing down on you, the fear is real and the experience is visceral. – 5/5
2. Red Dead Online (X1/PS4/PC) – Is this a cop out? Maybe. But RDR’s online capabilities did not launch until May of ’19 which is a game wholly set apart from Arthur and the gang. With that being said Red Dead Online had us create our own character and give him some crazy Western name fit for the times, such as Alabaster Crowley, as we partake in a narrative chock full of vengeance and wacky side missions and events. The recent implementation of trader, collector and bounty hunter roles added content and playtime for those trying to unlock abilities and swag. – 4.75/5

3. MLB The Show ’19 (PS4) – It is an amazing time to be an Astros—I mean baseball fan. With thrilling seasons made all the better with SIE’s yearly installment The Show. Features such as Moments and Road to the Show are absolutely thrilling and time consuming with deep RPG elements throughout the Road to the Show as you create and improve your ball player. One of the best PS4 exclusives to come out. – 4.25/5
4. Mortal Kombat 11 (PS4/X1/Switch) – MORRRTALLLLL KOMMMBATTTTT *techno beat intensifies* MK11’s gonzo, timey-wimey, campaign mode is a brutal, bloody trip. If you grew up through the nineties this installment of MK is a proper sendoff to the current series timeline that started so many decades ago. – 3.75/5
5. Days Gone (PS4) – The old adage is if it’s a Sony exclusive it cannot fail, which is usually the case, but Days Gone was received with mixed responses. People praised the story while other bemoaned the repetitiveness and tepid gameplay. Set in a post-apocalyptic Oregon where your mode of transportation is your trusty bike, there’s dangers everywhere, from the freakers (zombies), crazed beasts (infected or feral), and those of the human nature. What it comes down is to player experiences and Days Gone has plenty to boot. – 3/5
-Lauro Rojas

1. Death Stranding (PS4) – Kojima’s latest is esoteric, bewildering, horrific, funny, slow paced, high concept, and it takes all the elements of video games and throws them to the wind. The longtime Metal Gear game director understands the mechanics and rules of gaming well enough to break them, and it’s refreshing to see an AAA game that has the balls to try something different. If one goes into this experience with an open mind, there is so much wonder to uncover. – 4.5/5

2. Resident Evil 2 (PS4/X1/PC) – This is how a remake should be done, as it keeps all the aspects that made the original game so beloved and iconic and modernizes elements to make it accessible to gamers new and old to the franchise. – 4/5
3. Devil May Cry V (PS4/X1/PC) – V is by far the best thing about Devil May Cry 5. I love his fighting style! He just walks around reading poetry and summoning demon animals to fight for him. I think I’m in love. – 4/5
4. Blasphemous (PS4/X1/PC/Switch) – I’m super digging this one. Blasphemous is basically a combo of Catholicism and the manga Berserk. Absolutely gorgeous pixel art, dark gotchic AF. 4/5
5. Blazing Chrome (PS4/X1/PC/Switch) – Blazing Chrome is awesome! It’s like Contra, Metal Slug, and Gunstar Heroes mixed together. – 3.5/5
-Michelle Kisner

1. Red Dead Online (PS4/X1/PC) – I’m probably the only person on the face of the earth that would place this game so high. I don’t care. I know it’s devoid of any story. I don’t care. I know the micro-transaction system they’ve implemented is practically criminal. I don’t care. I make my own story. I buy what I want because I want to support the game. The untold hours (probably double Skyrim, and I had about 350 there) I’ve poured into this world has given me the utmost joy and truly catered to my escapism that I seek in video games. I grew up watching Westerns, I used to play as an outlaw or a lawman in my yard as a kid. This game brings those fantasies to life in stunning detail. I love Red Dead. I’ll always love it. Rockstar made my dreams come true. – 5/5
2. Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare
(PS4/X1/PC) – The King has returned. CoD has sucked for years. As a Call of Duty apologist, I will finally admit that yes, they all sucked. Not since 2009 (shit, it’s been 10 years?) with Modern Warfare 2 have I been so damn consumed by a Call of Duty. Sure the lobbies aren’t as toxic (unfortunately), and there are a ton of technical difficulties that Infinity Ward are actively patching (there’s a patch update almost every day), I still cannot get enough. It’s the only thing I play and it’s the only game that has made me stay away from my number one choice on this list. Modern Warfare is the shit. Don’t @ me. – 4.75/5
3. Star Wars – Jedi: Fallen Order (PS4/X1/PC) – As Good Ole JR used to tell us, “Business is about to pick up!”. My opinion on this game is as follows: first impressions I was underwhelmed. I was expecting a Force Unleashed-esque thrill ride replete with power and moment to moment action. Once I settled in, I let the game be the game it was designed to be, and I loved it. Coupled with the release of The Mandalorian on Disney+, the Star Wars universe definitely has my attention, and if any of our readers are familiar with my work, you’d know I’m a narrative fiend (making my next two choices inconsistent, but what can I say, I’m a Tier 1 Troll). The story of Fallen Order absolutely fits perfectly in terms of quality on the level of Dave Filoni’s Clone Wars or Rebels, and I for one can’t wait for more. Fallen Order earns top marks not just for the game, but for what it represents. Not long ago, EA execs went on record saying that “No one wants a single player, non multiplayer Star Wars game”. Here we are just a few short years later, and EA took a risk, listened to fans and delivered a top notch single player, micro-transaction free complete game. Well done.
– 4.5/5

4. Days Gone (PS4) – Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead, and the Pacific Northwest. Three things I love thrown together in a pot making a fun and interesting game. Lacking in any real endgame content except for hardcore 100% completionists, I found myself fulfilled yet let down. When I finished the game I wanted to just play a biker sim throughout the beautiful scenery, hunt a little, maybe explore here and there, take out a roaming zombie if I came across them. Oh no. The game gets harder after you beat it. Some of the hordes of the undead are unnecessarily difficult, making me lose interest and find my way to other titles, and thus reducing my final score for a supreme lack of longevity. – 4/5
5. MLB: The Show ’19 (PS4) – Presentation is key. This baseball sim all but puts the cold beer in your hand in the ballpark. The detail and the design are top notch, and few things are as relaxing as blasting dingers over the Green Monster at Fenway against the Sawwx. I love baseball, I miss playing it, and this game is the closest I can get to the real thing. As always, my only issue is trying to get my created character imported to the right roster for franchise mode. No matter what, if it’s Madden, 2K, or The Show, it usually takes about an hour for me to get it right, maybe I’m just old. – 4/5
-Dan Witt

1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I didn’t end up writing out my Games of the Year in 2016, but if I had Persona 5 would have been the clear leader and when I summarily dismissed the idea of getting into the new Fire Emblem game it was the comparisons it was getting to P5 that made me change my mind. Cut to 2019 and Fire Emblem: Three Houses is my GOTY for its own strong reasons. Its solid mixture of JRPG relationship elements with an accessible, and engaging combat, made it my most played game of the year, and served me some of my gaming moments of the year because of its wide cast of characters with their extremely well developed arcs. – 4.75/5
2. Star Wars – Jedi: Fallen Order (X1/PS4/PC) – While it isn’t quite exactly the Star Wars Uncharted experience everyone was anticipating from the canned Amy Hennig project in gameplay, it nails it in narrative execution. SWJFO expands the Star Wars universe post Order 66 and pre A New Hope in a fresh, yet faithful way. It’s Darth Souls-type combat force pulls you firmly into Cal Kestis’s shoes and doesn’t just give you the power fantasy of being a Jedi, it forces you to train and think like one. Jedi don’t button mash; they let their movements flow and exercise patience and mindfulness – which is what you’ll need to beat this harder than average, but thankfully not quite Sekiro levels of demanding combat. – 4.5/5

3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (X1/PS4/PC) – As per my full review of the game, this is next gen Call of Duty come a year early. Infinity Ward really did the entire franchise a service by bringing the franchise back to its roots with a shiny, heavy new engine, engaging multiplayer progression, and Gunfight – one of the best new Call of Duty game modes since the introduction of the multiplayer as it is in CoD4. Couple that with one of the most solid, blockbuster action movie-type campaigns and you have yourself the best CoD of the generation. – 4.5/5
4. Control (PS4/X1/PC) – An instant cult classic of a game that fits in squarely between the huge AAA open world RPGs and the darling indies, Control’s brand of Twin Peaks-esque sci-fi helps the game stand out in a medium where that genre is huge. Although it’s combat difficulty can frustratingly spike, the tone, world building, and straight weirdness appeals to me in a way that few other games have in a very long time. – 4.25/5
5. Gears 5 (X1/PC) – This year’s definition of solidly developed, beautifully polished, and feature rich. Gears 5 seems to double down on its own identity, gameplay wise, while still innovating in the third-person shooter space it pretty much revolutionized in the original Gears of War. The multiplayer PvP might be some of the best for a console exclusive title of this type, and it’s horde mode might be one of the more addicting co-op game modes this year. – 4.25/5
Honorable Mentions: Tetris 99, The Division 2, Devil May Cry 5, Mortal Kombat 11, Borderlands 3, Cadence of Hyrule, Remnant: From The Ashes.
-Myke Ladiona

1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – *Insert previous blurbs from fellow clergygeeks, Felipe and Myke* Well, if I have to say anymore than I already have on the Geekdom Gamescast and them socials, 40 hours into playing FETH, I knew this was GOTY. Like, that shit was a wrap. The only game that came close in the second half of the year featured people wielding lightsabers, but this strategy JRPG was just on a whole new level. It’s an absolute TRAVISTY that Fire Emblem wasn’t nominated for Best Game by the TGA’s. There’s just no excuse for it. No game had more character, made you feel for characters (with such incredible development!), felt downright amazing on Switch and made weebs who never cared for a strategy game in their life.. to finally care about one. Fuck, I cherished Fire Emblem and will continue to until there’s a sequel. It’ll be interesting to find out the popularity of this in Japan when I land there in 2 weeks. – 4.75/5

2. Mortal Kombat 11 (X1/PS4/Switch) – Another release that came out earlier in the year yet never felt the heat from the fall onslaught. MK11 was easily the best fighter of 2019 that was released in 2019. I still played a fuck-ton of Smash on the go, but at home, I played no game more — open world RPG’s included and all — than MK11. The new Krushing Blow strategy was fantastic and Fatalities returned to being both vicious and viciously hilarious. Throw in a great Shang-Tsung, Sidel, and Terminator DLC and this game will kontinue to keep my head on a swivel thoroughout 2020. – 4.5/5
3. Judgment (PS4) – How the fuck did a PlayStation exclusive wind up higher on Moody’s list than Gears 5 and not be Deathly Boring? Because playing Judgment was some of the most fun I had playing anything all year. The Yakuza offshoot packed a powerful, profoundly written story and featured incredible wall-to-leaping-wall combat. No Top 10 GOTY list should go without this. – 4.25-4.5/5
4. Pokémon Shield/Sword (Switch) – I’ve barely scratched the surface when it comes to discovering, battling, collecting, training and feeding curry to a wonderful assortment of critters, especially that of the rare and legendary. My Pokédex is bare and there’s no doubt that’s a wonderful problem I aim to solve on-the-go once I finish off these fellow Gym Leaders and gear-up mah dude to the max. On the visual end, Pokémon Sword and Shield is a solid looking RPG with intensely vibrant fight sequences. Many of the more bizarre super power attacks really pop off the screen. Can’t wait to see more. – 4.25-4.5/5
5. *TIE* Gears 5 (X1/PC) / SW – Jedi: Fallen Order (X1/PS4/PC) – Okay, so on the podcast I had Gears a clearcut “#5” and then Felipe went and threw a tie on his list. I fuckin’ love ties and I fuckin’ hate them. But since I also explained on the latest Gamescast that Jedi: Fallen Order was my “5B”, I mind as welllll… Both games are just so fuckin’ great. While 2019 wasn’t exactly top heavy, I’d argue it packs a stronger Top 10 or 12 as a whole. Gears of War 5 finally delivered the non-racing Xbox exclusive we can be proud of, while SWJFO was finally the Star Wars game we’ve been looking for. Listen to the new show to hear my blurbs for both. *smiley face* – 4.25/5
Honorable Mentions: Devil May Cry 5, Link’s Awakening, Astral Chain, MLB: The Show ’19, Control, Luigi’s Mansion 3.
-Travis Moody

***GHG’s Games of the Year***
1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
2. Resident Evil 2 (REmake)
3. Death Stranding
4. Star Wars – Jedi: Fallen Order
5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Honorable Mentions: Mortal Kombat 11, Devil May Cry V, Red Dead Online, Gears 5, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, Pokémon Sword/Shield.
***GHG’s PlayStation 4 Exclusive of the Year***
-Death Stranding
***GHG’s Xbox One Exclusive of the Year***
-Gears 5
***GHG’s Nintendo Switch Game of the Year***
-Fire Emblem: Three Houses
***GHG’s Fighting Game of the Year***
-Mortal Kombat 11
***GHG’s Sports Game of the Year***
-MLB: The Show ’19