IG @aztecstudiosla
THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: LINK’S AWAKENING (Nintendo – Switch – September 20, 2019) – The original Link’s Awakening was released back in 1993 on the Nintendo Game Boy and then released again on the Gameboy Color in 1998 as Link’s Awakening DX with extra dungeons. Now it’s coming this fall to the Switch and, in all its pixel art glory, looks awesome.
Since I never owned a Game Boy, the E3 demo was my first time zoning in on the top-down 3D adventure/puzzle quest. The result was a satisfying play session and instant pre-order…
Going about 15-minutes, we began with Young Link stranded on the beach of a mysterious island; there, in Koholint, is an owl that guided me on where to go and what to do. There are lots of tough enemies in the Mysterious Forest that borders north of the beach, but there are plenty of surprise tunnels and fun dungeons to explore there as well.
The Switch controls are great and especially easy to grab if you ever played A Link To The Past or A Link Between Worlds. Nintendo has improved inventory in Link’s Awakening with an additional item slot, leading to faster combat. In addition to a new dungeon creation mode, there are a number of odes to Super Mario Bros lore (n/goombas, magic mushrooms, the chain-chomping Bow Wow, etc.) for those who also never played the Game Boy original, too. 4/5 Bibles.
-Artez Bailey