If you haven’t watched The Wolverine just yet, then what the hell are you waiting for, Bub? Even Logan, James Howlett, Weapon X, Patch, The Ol’ Canucklehead, the Wolverine himself… gave his insight on the latest X-Men movie to hit theaters and thus far the reviews are good. Not great, as we explain why in the podcast. Yet, despite some minor flaws, Hugh Jackman definitely showed he’s The Best At What He Does — and that’s maintain superhero acting longevity.

So, join Lance Paul “The Apostle”, Nicole “Naughty Angel” Brunner, “The Reverend” Joe Rivera, Travis “Monsignor” Moody, and “Sister” Sherice’s Pieces, as we claw and cut our way through the latest superhero extravaganza! You can download the LESS-THAN-20-MINUTE podcast HERE, or stream the show HERE.
Soundcloud coming soon.