If you own an Xbox One and earned some free time with your significant other following all of that tender loving care on Friday, we take it you gave the Titanfall Beta a good whack or two over the weekend. Right? If not, you’re missing out on one hell of an experience. Whether your Pilot joins the IMC or the Militia, you’re basically wall-running and leaping around the battlefield as a souped-up Boba Fett — except with an utmost delicious choice of the Stim or Cloak. Following instruction from your command center, it’s then up to you whether you choose to hop in and command (or remotely command) your very own Pacific Rim-sized Titan. And these beasts are certainly worth the hype! You’ve got to be just as dexterous fighting in these golia-mechs as anything else, or else your ass is bound to get rodeo’d!!!
“Monsignor” Travis Moody: Christ-ine! This is easily the most furious and frantic first-person shooter ever, if not the most furious and frantic game.. ever. Knowing it’s only beta, what were your initial thoughts swooping through Titanfall?
“Christ-ine” Manzione: Hey Monsignor! When are you joining me on the battlefield? Certain betas build a huge buzz behind them when the interest is high enough. Remember what Halo 3 did for Crackdown? Everyone and their mother had to get in on that. Titanfall is one of those games where every FPS gamer wants to see what all the hype is about, and Respawn delivers in a big, mech-y way. There’s a lot I’m interested to see in the final build, such as how the parkour lends itself to levels outside the beta, and who’s gonna cry wolf on the Smart Pistol, haha. How are you feeling about the weapons on display? Mind you, the handheld weapons, not the behemoths. Let’s talk about those separately!

Moody: Ironically, the first complaint I had about Titanfall actually has nothing to do with the product itself, but in my own inability to camp! It’s like banning Father McPhail from all-nighters at Comic-Con! Crazier…I always get killed by the campers who do nothing but scope from rooftops with their high-powered sniper rifles. I was beyond excited to unlock the Longbow DMR-sniper — since I was so deft with such on past COD exploits — only to find out I was beyond awful this time out… It’s extremely hard to sit in the shadows and pick people off (unless their gamertag is TravMoody12 of course), since the pilot melee is so powerful.
Worse than the MK5 is the “Kick of Death.” I had a really tough time with melee attacks at first, but now I’m pretty great at stealth-fuing and/or choking doods and dudettes out when they least expect it. But! To answer your question, my custom loadout includes the R-97 Sub. Does the trick. When Titan-sized, do you opt for the Vortex Shield, or Electric Smoke?
(Continued on next page…)