Christine: I see what you mean on the melee; I was running through an alley and the next thing I know, I’m kissing the pavement. That kick is ridic, and the takedown itself provides a pretty nice boost to your Attrition. But even if you don’t skip leg day, you can’t use those bad boys on a Titan! Right now I’m rocking the Vortex. Getting another player to empty their ammo cache on you, only to give it back as an exploding shrapnel present? It doesn’t get better than watching their giant robots get doomed that way. I almost wish I could hear them yelling at me… I DID have my mic hooked up. Didn’t you? Where’s the vocal riot at?

Moody: Oh geesh, Christine. Such as real life, I found myself the only one talking. When I asked why no one was using their headset (especially since the standard set that comes with the Xbone is so good), one numbskull replied, “because nobody wants to talk to you.” Duh, Mister IAmWhyULose42! That’s why I’m presently single. But, on the real, when I had the beta earlier than most, it felt rather odd having an actual adult conversation with someone over Xbox Live instead of an 8-year old kid from Nebraska saying “boob” over and over — which, mind you, just so happened an hour ago (since the beta is now open to everyone, including most who frequent the WWE action figure aisle at Toys ‘R Us).
Hell, you really can’t blame too many of the players for not wanting to chat when there are beautiful maps to explore. The level of detail in the twin pairing was mightily impressive considering all of the chaos. I didn’t witness any real frame rate hiccups or too much online lag (keeping the teams 6-on-6 should prevent that). The only silly graphical issue is being able to see too much of the cloaked soldiers. You shouldn’t. But, there’s no doubt Respawn’s final product will only look that much better. I’m DYING to see the rest of the environments, aren’t you?
Christine: I too also say “boob” a lot on the mic. I’m so charming, I know. And you’re absolutely right; I’ve yet to experience a drop in frame rate, even when things are at their most hectic, smoke and thousands of particles flying around your display. As a Team Deathmatch purist, I found my footing in Attrition, the kill-all, no-mercy variant for multiplayer. Having only a few maps to test right now, you can imagine my excitement to test all FIFTEEN in the retail version of Titanfall. That’s a ton of content right off the bat. Almost… *sniffle* almost makes me feel like… like Respawn cares about us, Moody!
(Continued on next page…)