Top IG Nerds talk NYCC, The Punisher, Deadpool, and all the new Trailers!

NEWEST episode of the Talking Nerdy Podcast

(presented by

Simply put, it’s a podcast where we breakdown and discuss the most recent comic book/geeky movie news and trailers and give our thoughts on it.

I myself, Jose aka Nerdy Hero, host the show with plenty of friends from the online comic and cosplay community. This weeks panel of co-hosts include Younis (IG: @RealWorldOfFlash), Lexi (IG: @DarthLexii), Shawn (IG: @Updates_In_Cinema_v2.0), Liam (@Dc.Marvel.Unite), and finally Stephen (IG: @Everything_DCEUComics) as well about New York Comic Con, The Punishers release date, Deadpool and X-men wrapping up production, as well as the recent Justice League, Black Panther, and Star Wars Trailers.