It’s that time of the year again. The wrestling world has descended upon the Big Apple and Dirty Jersey for Mania week as the Showcase of the Immortals is here. It’s WrestleMania 35!!! The Apostles have been in front of TVs and tablets and laptops and ringside in New York and New Jersey but we’ve got WrestleMania under wrap for you in the biggest preview of the year.
So let’s get this baby under way!!!

Buddy Murphy (c) v Tony Nese

Looks who’s on the kickoff show…AGAIN. We’re hitting the six-month mark of Buddy Murphy’s Reign of Terror as “Cruiserweight” champ (the Fed doesn’t even pretend anymore, listing him at 227 lbs.) and he shows no sign of slowing down. That was the whole reason Tony Nese and his many abs started training with Murphy in the first place. And now, The Juggernaut finds himself facing the one person who actually knows his weaknesses.
Prediction: Six months is a long time to keep a title these days, but I don’t see Nese winning the title so close to home—there’s been too much of that happening lately. Murphy retains, but with rumors of a second Cruiserweight Classic happening, he may be facing a challenger he hasn’t seen before long.

The Revival (c) v Ryder & Hawkins

So the Revival was rumored to be asking for their release and it wasn’t granted. Instead they were given the RAW tag team championship. All well and good except that recently they have been made out to be a huge joke. They’ve lost repeatedly in recent weeks, albeit not in title defenses and now they get the preshow treatment with a match against the Losers, Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins. No flips. Just fist them. All the smart marks are hoping they lose and ride off into the sunset that is an AEW contract. Unfortunately, their contracts aren’t up until after next years Mania. However, I don’t think that will have any bearing on the outcome of this one. Vince loves to give random Mania moments to people and have them drop the belts the next night. I think this is going to be one of those occassions.
Prediction: I expect the Revival to lose to Ryder and Hawkins, only to gain them back on Monday night. Whoo Whoo Whoo!! You know it!!

Can’t say I’m overly excited for this match. This is basically just an opportunity for everybody that’s not on the main card at WrestleMania to have a chance to say they were on the show. The biggest Story coming into this particular about a royal will be the pseudo feud between Braun strowman and the hosts of Saturday Night Live Weekend Update Colin Jost and Michael Che. Since Jost and Che are now in the Battle Royal themselves. Since they are not wrestlers I’m pretty sure this will be a quick Drew Carey type deal.
Prediction: If I had to guess I would say this match going either to Apollo Crews or Braun Strouman since they’re the ones with the most momentum going into the match.

Now, I could spend my time here talking about how this match really isn’t anything. It’s barely a consolation prize for the scores of women that couldn’t get a match on Mania. Its exactly like the Men’s Battle Royale. Its a time filler of a match on a show that doesnt NEED a time filler. Asuka, Naomi, Nikki, Ruby, Sarah Logan, Mickie James & Zelina Vega (and all the other women involved in this nonsense) DESERVE BETTER. Some have complained on Social Media that given the choice between being in this match and not being at Mania at all, they would rather NOT be in the match. So much for the Women’s Revolution, eh ? This CARD has been filled with talented wrestlers stuck in INSIPID storylines that have all but sucked all the fun and excitement out of Wrestlemania. For WEEKS they did NOTHING for the SD Champion Asuka. No real build for a contender for her title. With less than a week to go, she gives Charlotte Flair a title shot, and LOSES in less time that it took me to write this entire thing. SO now that the TWO contenders on SD are going for the RAW Women’s TITLE, AAAAAND the fact that the SD TITLE is also on the line – it leaves Asuka and the rest of the talented women on SD & RAW with nothing but this car crash of a match.
Prediction: Eh. Who cares. Give it to Carmella. Why not ? Not like it really matters anyways.

IG @Grumpykore
What have you done lately. Well this should be a solid showing for two seasoned veterans in the wrestling business over 20yrs. Some super Wow moments should be displayed. Maybe 3rd match on the card. Orton is the Legend Killer and AJ is next on his list! Nothing but a Phenomenal RKO out of knowhere will be AJs moment.
Prediction: Orton wins.

Bobby Lashley (c) v The Demon Finn Balor

In any other wrestling promotion, this could be a feud for the ages. If Balor was booked like he was in NXT or New Japan…If Lashley was booked like he was in TNA…
But they’re not. And on top of all of that, they’ve been playing hot potato with the title. It would be nice to give the belt some stability. However, Balor is coming out as the demon, which means he isn’t losing, which means yet another title change.
Prediction: WINNER: Balor.

IG @Grumpykore
It wouldn’t be a WrestleMania without The Big Dawg on the card. This rival between Drew that sparked quite the showing of late. I’m very much excited to watch these two monsters go at it. Kicking each other’s ass around the ring. Both are on a high wrestling right now. I think the winner of this match gets a future title shot. So let’s get into the action. I feel this match will start out pretty heavy with an assult by the Scottish Nightmare beating Reigns down in and out of the the ring. Reigns will get the WWE universe behind him and then the super power of Hulkamania will run wild all throughout the stadium. Reigns will do the drive-by… fury of Superman Punches around all corners and a Spear to try to get a pinfall but Drew will somehow kick out.
Prediction: The Face will fall at Mania a new Heel will emerge to the top as future Champion in Drew McIntyre.

Kurt Angle v Baron Corbin

Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle who won those medals with a broken freakin neck. Went on to become the quickest rising star in WWE at that time, winning everything the company had to claim. Who went on to go to TNA where he also won every prize they had to claim (simultaneously even). Japan won the top prize. Battled and overcame countless injuries as well as alcoholism and prescription pain pill abuse. Went on to come back to WWE to go into the Hall of Fame. Had a stint as RAW general manager. As well as a brief return to the ring. Closes out his career this Sunday April 7th, 2019 at MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, New Jersey during WWE Wrestlemania 35 in the final match of his career against… BARON FUCKING CORBIN!!! This may be the second most talked about match in this Wrestlemania lead up season, just behind the Women’s Championship Unification match. But not for good reasons like it should be. Instead the general focus has been on how lackluster an opponent the caliber of Corbin is for possibly the best wrestler ever. The most that will come of this for Baron Corbin will be that he had his name on the marquee across from Angle at Wrestlemania. Could they go through with the match? Yes, but why? Does nothing for either man besides wrapping up a storyline people didn’t really care for. Which is why most people including myself expect for there to be some sort of swerve to then insert John Cena into the opponent slot for Angle.
Prediction: This story shouldn’t be about trying to give the rub to a younger star because there really isn’t any rub left to give in this situation. Instead this should be a send off for a talent who always gave above and beyond for wrestling and the fans. I hope he gets that too because I for one will be bawling my eyes out seeing Angle leave that ring for the final time.

Shane McMahon v The Miz

The Miz has been, up to this point, one of the most reviled and hated heel in the company, but leave it to a McMahon to make his Face turn shine an endear him. This has been a long simmering story since the travesty i.e. Crown Jewel, and the buildup has been fantastic. With their Falls Count Anywhere match it helps alleviate Shane’s lack of wrestling and with one of WWE’s safest workers, it’ll be an aggressive but safe bout. Guaranteed to become a spot-fest and as most memes have it, Shane is definitely jumping off something tall.
Prediction: Miz will walk away with the dub. He’s been on the back end of some beat downs and would culminate with a Wrestlemania moment with him and his dad. That’s logic thinking, but if history tells us anything McMahon’s don’t deal in logic.

The Samoan Slaughterhouse v The Boss & Hug Connection (c) v The Iiconics v The Divas Of Doom

Another match that I’m not particularly excited for. The matchup was going to have the current,defending, (and so far only) WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Sasha Banks and Bayley defending their titles against three other teams: The Iconics, Nia Jax and Tamina and Natalya with the returning WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix. Aside from a few defenses here and there, I haven’t really seen that much from the women’s tag team title picture other than some mild scuffles. Nia and Tamina would seem to be the more physical of the bunch and seem to have the closest thing to a feud with Sasha and Bayley. The other two teams are pretty much just given something to do.
Prediction: Who cares?

Samoa Joe (c) v Rey Mysterio Jr.

Booyaka Booyaka Who gives a Fuuuu’ ? IF this match even happens this weekend thanks to a last minute ankle injury Rey suffered in a pointless match on Raw against Baron Boring -ahem – Corbin – We have The Samoan Submission Machine vs the Golden Boy of the 619. It’s hard to find a bigger Samoa Joe fan than your’s truly. Been a big supporter of Joe’s since I saw him and Mike Awesome break the ring back in the early 00’s for MLW. I was super pumped when he finally signed with WWE – killed it in NXT and then he got Vinced. Moved up to the Main Roster where he’s been used and abused. Now – finally he gets a belt and what happens ? He loses so damn much he might as well be the third member of the Revival. Joe just lost last week to Kurt on his fairwell tour. This match against Rey ? On a card with 3800 matches – who’s even notice if it was canceled ? What was at one time a dream match (circa 2005-2007) it’s 12 years too late. Now – if something happens like oh, I don’t know John Cena comes out and challenges Joe ? Sure. Then you got something. But, knowing how Vince works – if that happened Joe would lose there too.
Prediction: whomever Joe faces, beats Joe. Again.

Ricochet & Aleister Black v The Usos (c) v The Bar v Gable & Roode

IG @Grumpykore
After an amazing match at Takeover NY Ricco and Black are Main roster bound for good for our Wrasslin’ fix each week.🔥. If the newcomers on the block want to win there first champion gold they will have to go through the Uso’s first and last. There will some great spots as all of the these SD tag team can hold there own.
Prediction: The match will come down to the Usos and Ricco and Black left in the ring. A few solid minutes of 5* fireworks and the straps will change hands. A new Era will begin and old one passed. THANK YOU USOs!

Triple H v Batista

IG @Grumpykore
Simply put…Usually when two comic character’s face each other in a videogame… World’s get Destroyed. This fued has been brewing for years and finally we get see an end to it. Giving Dave what he wants? His Mania Moment. Two of the biggest stars of the wrestling are going to absolutely give us WWE fans a show. Excited to watch the Intros of both before the match starts. I hope both Superstars have the stamina like Superheroes to pull this off. If done right this could be match of the night depending where there are on the card. I suspect a mid-tier night match 5 close to an breaking point in the Night. No rules means HHH sledgehammer is allowed in the game. Going All-In.. nothing left to give… Blood ? Chairs/ crowd fighting and whatever they feel is needed to make this match a memory for us all to witness for a lifetime.
Prediction: Probably will go for a good 35 min but I think Hunter is at a point in his career that means he is on way out of ring action. So safe to safe The Animal will get the win..but it won’t be easy at all…maybe a Flair appearance to pay back to Batista or something weird like that. There alot on the line for both of these guys. I’m jacked to watch this unfold.

Daniel Bryan (c) v Kofi Kingston

The match I’m personally the most excited about (all the randomness inserted in the feud has killed any excitement I had for Becky vs. Roomba). I’ve been a fan of Kofi since he had that awful fake Jamaican accent and have been waiting for his time to shine. And as much as I love Mustafa Ali, I don’t mind that he had to suffer a minor injury so that the eight-time tag champ (with FOUR different partners), four-time IC champ and three-time U.S. champion FINALLY gets his due.
Prediction: If Kofi doesn’t win, we riot. WWE tries to spin this as a parallel to Bryan’s own rise, down to D.Bry saying during the contract signing that he knows how Kofi feels. But, as Kofi so eloquently put it, he doesn’t know a damn thing about him. Bryan gained the top belt within two years of debuting. Kofi’s in the twilight of his career and has held every title but the big one. This isn’t Daniel Bryan vs. The Authority; it’s Wrestlemania 19, Booker T vs. Triple H, except with the RIGHT ending.

Brock Lesnar (c) v Seth Rollins

Here we are again. Another Mania. Another Brock title defense. Another Brock preview for yours truly. Let me start it like this. … My name is Shawn Puff and I am the journalist for the reigning, defending, undisputed WWE Universal Champion, the Beast Incarnate, BROCK LESNAR!!! … There we go. Fan boys are going to get sent home upset this weekend. Everyone expects to see Seth slay the beast and walk away with the gold. Well here’s a spoiler. Seth is injured and is going to need some time off after Mania. That means I have no expectation of him leaving New York as Champion. It would be a great time to pull the ultimate swerve and put the belt on the chosen one though. Picture this. Seth gets ‘injured’ in the match and loses to Brock. Roman comes out to help his buddy and Brock lays a challenge down to him for the title right there. Roman accepts and becomes the Universal Champion on the biggest stage of them all after winning his battle with cancer. This is a storybook ending and would set the tone for a new era on RAW. Buuuuuuuut… this isn’t WrestleMania IX and Brock renewed his deal with the E.
Prediction: Call it a spoiler but Lesnar will be your champion after Mania.

Becky Lynch v. Ronda Rousey (c) v Charlotte Flair (c)

Rousey v. Flair v. Lynch – This has been the moment that all three women have been vying for since landscape of women’s wrestling changed way back when. No longer considered divas or valets to men’s wrestling the Four Horsewomen set the standard in NXT and brought it to the forefront on the main roster. Bailey and Banks have gone on to become first ever Women’s tag champs, Flair has held multiple championships on all shows, but Becky, although becoming the first Smackdown Women’s Champion would be regarded to the background. Enter The Man. Like Stone Cold’s infamous King of the Ring speech, when The Man let her voice be heard did it echo throughout. This rivalry has been long gestating but is sure to deliver. What felt like Flair being shoehorned into the main event has paid dividends with her walking into ‘Mania with the Smackdown strap and Rousey with the Raw belt, now the ante has been raised to decide a definitive winner and claim everything.
Prediction: The Man will take it all. That is all.