If you enjoyed reading our daily “E3odus” previews for next week’s Electronic Entertainment Expo, then we guaran-damn-tee you’re gonna love our E3 2017 Preview Podcast!
No gimmicks. No funny church names. Just 3 geeks talking Holiday 2017/2018 and, all the more likely–sadly–2019 video games we expect to be showcased at the Big One, either at any of the 6 big media briefings (from Sat through Tuesday morning) or, better, on the Los Angeles Convention Center’s massive showroom floor (from Tuesday through Thursday).
Download the 2017 Preview Show (right click and save)
So, join our newest Sony PS4anboy gloating “Aztec”, Artez Bayley, your free booze-swilling, Xbox One-apologizing host, “Monsignor” Travis Moody, and (for the second year in a row) our very special Star Wars expert himself via “satellite”, @OffTheGeekEnd’s own “Saint” Patrick Obloy.

Did we miss any games? Endorse too many you think will bomb? Pick your favorite mouth-watering titles? Of course, let us know on the tweetstream @GodHatesGeeks.