Your favorite Traveling Nerd has found himself in Hotlanta, doing some post-production on a film, and a great little comic shop by the name of Oxford Comics off of Piedmont Street. What a gem of a comic shop too! Encompassing everything from new comics, graphic novels to older and harder to find issues, this is definitely the be-all/end-all for your geeky needs in the Dirty South.
I also found this weeks Sunday Stash’s picks synonymous when talking HOTlanta and the Devil’s favorite tramping ground Georgie. This week, we deal with an All-New Ghost Rider, two heroes coming back from “death”, a psychedelic surf ride that takes us to planets that would give Can Emed (Renaissance painter of hell) a ride for his imagination on demons, and another Avengers comic thats so bad it deserves to burn.
So buckle up, grab your prettiest 2nd cousin and let’s tackle these All-New Marvel NOW issues deep-fried Southern style.
–Silver Surfer #1
–New Avengers #16.NOW
–Superior Spider-Man #30/Amazing X-Men #5
As a LA resident and muscle car gearhead, call me pretty excited about this new addition to the Ghost Rider saga. Rise or cancel, the All-New Ghost Rider returns to the cursed leather jacket, now having American muscle spewing out hellfire at every turn. Through the years the legacy of the pail rider has seen many variations, but quite nothing like this.

As a fan who began with the Danny Ketch Dusaki and Spirits of Vengeance-driven 90’s, it’s been quite a shame to witness the series — aside from the massively underrated Jason Aaron run on the ol’ flamed head — hit a rapid decline. Even Rob Williams’ female Rider Alejandra was ill received, and anything tangled up in flame since was seemingly headed towards the pearly gates.
Thanks to the talents of Marvel newcomer Felipe Smith (Character Designer on Nickelodeon’s TMNT) and artist Tradd Moore (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, Deadpool) the newest rider has arrived on the line. Welcome East L.A. mechanic Robbie Reyes, who, in true Marvel fashion, is a down-on-his-out good guy who starts his journey by standing up for the downtrodden and taking a chance on fate for a better life. The latter involves pulling a Need For Speed move with racing for cash that ends in fire. Unfortunately…
(Flip the page for more!)