STARDOM [Wrestling News]: Cinderella Tournament Announced! Fans Are Welcome!

The show must go on! Japan's #1 joshi pro wrestling company -- Stardom -- is moving past the empty arena shows and preparing for their annual Cinderella Tournament. In a series of tweets this morning, Stardom announced that the first round will take place on March 24, live and free from Korakuen Hall on YouTube …

MORTAL KOMBAT 11 [Spawn DLC Reveal Gameplay]: Pathway to Judgement.

Finally, it's.. Final Kombat!!! At last, the Todd McFarlane x Ed Boon kollabo will launch this Tuesday, as Mortal Kombat 11's final DLC kharacter -- Spawn -- joins an already astonishing roster. In short, the Image Komics Icon downright looks deadly. Not only does Al Simmons' gear righteously reflect the MK aesthetic, his array of …

GVO ROUND II – TOKYO EDITION [Wild Card Playoff Results/Video]: Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting.

Yesterday at GVO's first ever playoff round, the Wild Card Playoff didn't wind up so wild after all. As expected, the #3 seed was dominate, although one may not have expected to be so dominate--especially early on before the Smash main event. Later in the afternoon, a pair of Group A pals fought tooth and …