EXODUS – GODS and KINGS [Face-Off Review]: Moses’ Creed X.

Or, as I like to call it, Batman and Rhamses. NERD - Directed by Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Alien) this epic tale of Moses leading the Hebrew slaves from Egyptian captivity to independent freedom is certainly grandiose, accomplished by having the right man at the helm. There are elements of Exodus: Gods and Kings that take …

AGENTS of S.H.I.E.L.D. [Season 2 Premiere Review]: 0-8-Awesome!

Thanks to the obligatory call back of events from episodes prior, the rag-tag team of Agents is now under the guidance of Director Phil Coulson (played superbly by Clark Gregg), trying to find their way in a world that fears them as much as they fear Hydra. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpCi_2MAY4g As much of Season One was predicated …

HERCULES [Review]: If you spearrrrrrrrrrrr.. what ‘The Herc’ is cookin’!

Team Hercules... F#*k yeah! With myth coming to life on the silver screen, director Brett Ratner (Rush Hour) and WWE-superstar-turned-global-acting-phenomenon, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, have collaborated to dispel what we think we know about the legend-- only to create an entirely new demigod of pure popcorn entertainment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzhNRBu1bLk Shooting out of the gate with intense …

ALIEN / TERMINATOR / BSG [Hero Complex Film Festival ’14]: Science Friction.

Hitting off the first of three nights of the Hero Complex Film Festival at the TCL Chinese 6 in sunny-lovely Los Angeles was a celebration of... BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (But please jump to our coverage of: Terminator/Terminator 2 or Alien/Aliens, if you insist...) This free-fan event featured the big screen appearance of the 2003 BSG miniseries that …

BATMAN – ARKHAM ORIGINS, “Cold Cold Heart” [DLC Review]: Freeze! Play this please.

Hey there Congregationalists, the "Reverend" Ryan Ford is back with another review. It's been just over a week since the WB released their latest DLC for the BAU, or Batman Arkham Universe for the layperson. In my humble opinion, this DLC is freakin' sweet! So lets put some Foreigner on the jukebox, crank the dial …


Hello and welcome back to the Congregation of Cool for another fun-filled edition of Fistful of Comics. I'm the "Reverend" Ryan Ford and I'll be your spiritual guide to the new releases this week. Sitting next to me is my copilot, "Sister" Ashley Simpson. You're all in for a treat today as this marks our …