Ringside Apostles Presents…. FLASHBACK FRIDAY [Episode 7]: Saturday Night Fights? Huh?

TGIFF Bay Bay!! No, my keyboard did not stick. That stands for Thank GodHatesHeeks It’s Flashback Friday!! It’ your boy Shawn Puff here once again to take you back in time to the days of yore when wrestling was better, 50/50 booking, goofy gimmicks, and fuck finishes weren’t a thing… at least, that’s how I …

Ringside Apostles Present… FLASHBACK SUNDAY [Episode 7]: Bike Week Edition.

It’s your boy Shawn Puff here again and you know what that means. It’s that time again, time to hop in the Way Back Machine, time for another Flashback Friday! Sturgis was a couple of weeks ago and Laconia Bike Week is happening right now so I figured we might as well take in Eric …

Ringside Apostles Presents… FLASHBACK FRIDAY [Episode 6]: Woostah!!

It’s Friday and you know what that means… Time to hop in the Way Back Machine for another episode of Flashback Friday!! This week we’re traveling to Worcester, Massachusetts on July 29th, 1989 for a special edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event. I absolutely loved the old school SNME. It was great to relive that …