RINGSIDE APOSTLES [WrestleMania XXXI Podcast]: “Suplex City, Bitch!”

Let's get this out of the way real fast: WrestleMania XXXI (a.k.a. WrestleMania 31) lived up to the hype. If you watched the "grand-daddy of them all" this past Sunday, then you witnessed just about every living legend in the history of wrestling make an appearance. Now, did all of this constitute into a combination …

ULTRA COMICS / HIT 1957 / DARK TOWER / REGULAR SHOW [Reviews]: Handboning & Hummus!

Greetings, congregation! This week's Stash has a few interesting surprises, from a trip to the lurid streets of 1950's Los Angeles, to a trip through the Multiversity. Winter's chill is finally nothing more than a memory, and as spring arrives, so do some of this season's newest titles! What say we start off with an …

WHAT WE DO In The SHADOWS [Film Review]: GodLovesIndies.

About a week ago, I was lucky enough to catch What We Do In The Shadows, a low-budget vampire mockumentary by the same team that brought us Flight Of The Conchords. The film revolves around the daily goings-on of a group of New Zealand-based vampires living together, and touches upon the complications of their bringing a new figure into the …


As of late, the Sunday Stash has been more epic than Jay & Silent Bob's Secret Stash.Yeah-- we got comic reviews up the ying-yang, but with some Comic Book WOMEN, too.Happy reading!With the debut of the third season of the Orphan Black television series just weeks away (April 18th, 2015) it makes sense that the …

SINFUL SOLICITS [June 2015 Comics Preview]: I Am…

Sick of reading revews? Well, we're sick of writing them! Despite our undying love for reviewing EVERY comic series in site (from Oni to Aspen to Dark Circle-- we represent!), it's time to relay those thoughts on comics we're actually looking forward to. Predictions. Opinions. Guesses. Let's break down the solicits, and see which comics …

iZOMBIE [Pilot Review] vs. THE FLASH [PayleyFest 2015]: Reverse Appetite.

It's the battle of the CW Network Comic Book Shows! Ya! That's it!Watching a new series is always something fun, but not when it sours on the tongue of being a continued slap to the face of the zombie apocalypse subculture genre...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQhzQDW4L84It hurts me to say that, right out the gate, this TV show is …