SPAWN #250! / GUARDIANS of the GALAXY & X-MEN / STRAY BULLETS [Reviews]: It’s the Grammy Stash!

DID EVERYONE ENJOY THE GRAMMY'S??? -- yeah, me too. So, let's forget about Beck and Ye and BeckYe and Bae and Iggy and Nae-Nae and L.L. and T-Swizz, and let's just talk about the shit that matters on this the Holiest of Holies, right? THAT'S COMICS!!! And we here at the Temple of God Hates Geeks …

SUPERMAN / IMPERIUM / AMERICAN VAMPIRE / NAMELESS / CLUSTER [Reviews]: Stylin’ & Profilin’, Super Flare Style! Whooooo!!!

Superman hasn't had this much press since he was found last summer teasing the silverscreen with Heat Vision against an armored up Oldbatman. But, now he's got "Super Flair?"   Sorry, we meant Super Flare. Throw in some indy highs and not-so's, a few dozen vampires, and those who shall remind not-so ______, and you've …

RINGSIDE APOSTLES [Podcast]: ‘Reign’ing in on the Royal Rumble!

So, it took the RAW after the RAW after the PPV (do we still even call those big monthly wrestling events that anymore?) to apologize for the travesty that was the Royal Rumble main event. Leave it up to our Ringside Apostles, "The Bishop" Richard Zom and "Saint SuperKick" Kenny Sanders to lay the smacketh …

UNCANNY AVENGERS / CASANOVA / BATMAN / THE DYING & THE DEAD [Reviews]: It’s the ‘Super’hero Bowl Sunday Stash!

For all of you Stupor Bowl fans, still sober enough to read this right now; after gorging yourself on processed grease and watered-down domestic lager-swill, let me drop a brilliant passage to you from the seminal novel, 1984, from a dead genius named, George Orwell: "So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and …

JUSTICE LEAGUE – THRONE of ATLANTIS [Review]: Quite the ‘Entourage’!

Aquaman, the ineffectual laughing stock who merely talks to fish is no more. In his place we have the bad-ass Aquaman he's always deserved to be seen as. Fans of the king of Atlantis can rejoice. In Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, Warner Bros./DC continue in their fine tradition of (almost) full-length animated features …