DC FUTURES END #1’s [Sunday Stash Reviews] : Just a Relaxing, Sunday Time Travel…

Is it Sunday again ALREADY?! On this day, the Year of Our Moody, 7th of September, 2014, The Congregation of Cool is going to defy physics and TIME TRAVEL so to best review for you TEN alternate timelines within DC's Futures End New 52! ALL #1's! ALL YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS! ALL THE WHAT-IFS YOU CAN HANDLE IN ONE SITTING! …


Sounds of Ghetto Bird choppers may wake my ass up every morning, but the thoughts of some rampaging, blue Horseheads -- drunk off that wiiiiiine -- and their kookie Crabheaded Nebula opponents will surely (did someone say "Shirley"?) be the ones swirling above my cranium. A-Men. Look, man. If you thought Morrison's Multiversity was a …

THE LEAGUE [Season 6 Premiere Review]: ‘Foosball’ is the Devil.

“Kevin is the New Andre and Ted is Dead” Greetings, God Hates Geekers. Football season is upon us and with that, our favorite NFL companion comedy, The League, is back for its sixth season on FXX (no, the extra X is not a typo; FX did actually split up their networks for some reason). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIBwe6sbgVo …

SINESTRO / BOB’S BURGERS / POP / WAYWARD / GOTG [Fistful of Comic Review]: Labor Daze

Hey, GHGers!  It is time to change it up a bit and give a variety of goodies to check out and read.  So leave the work week behind and get lost in the comics that we have for you today to get your body and mind ready for this Labor Day Fistful of Comics, baby. …

Common / Dilated Peoples / Slaine [#NerdSwag Reviews]: From Dis Town to Yo Town!

"It's been a long time...I shouldn't have left you." #NerdSwag never died-- we only RESURRECTED! Damn, it's been nearly 2-months since we had the privilege of reviewing some ill hip-hop over here at GodHatesGeeks, but, thankfully, we got plenty of fire to wash out. And I'm not talking about the wackness of, or utter occurences …

The Fade Out / Delinquents / Batman & Robin / Little Nemo [Sunday Stash Reviews]: New to the Old to the New– AGAIN!

Hey! Nothing new but work and church, citizens of the GHGverse? Well that's not the case over here at Church of Cool Laboratories, where, once again, some of the sharpest geek minds in geekology come geekily together in all of their geekhood to study geekfully, and give careful, geekcentric geeknalysis to all the geekmenities you crave. So, sit …