SDCC 2014 Preview Show [#GHGtv, Ep. 0]: Here to Save You All.

It's finally here, the moment you've all been waiting for... GHGtv!!! In our very first web series episode, the Holy Congregation of Cool SERMONIZE the endless options of Every Geek's Super Bowl/World Cup/Daytona 500/World Series/NBA Finals/Stanley Cup/Wrestlemania... So, join the likes of "The Apostle" Lance Paul, "Minister" Gabe Carrasco, Derek "Divine" Vigeant, "Brother" Myke Ladiona, …

THE X-FILES / BORDERLANDS / THE SQUIDDER [Reviews]: The Truth is Out There!

With San Diego Comic-Con International just a few days away, the Sunday Stash sees your faithful Clergy of Cool TEAM-UP with the Almighty Comics Bulletin. And why? Because, in the coming week, we're bound to do this a lot. We're going to cover SDCC an entirely new way this year, and collaborating with CB for …

RINGSIDE APOSTLES [Shooting Star Press, Vol. VI]: It’s a Hardline through ‘Battleground’!

WWE Battleground is this Sunday. While not one of the fed's more popular Pay-Per-Views -- which has been basically sold as a $9.99 WWE Network event up to this point -- the card is shaping up to be a pretty good one. This special edition of the Shooting Star Press also sees our largest cast …

THOR [Moody Marvel Editorial]: The ‘Goddess’ of Thunder??!!?!?

As if all of the recent Fantastic Four reboot movie news wasn't bad enough, Marvel appeared on The View earlier today to present a Super Ultra All-New Marvel Remix Hyper NOW! era for the once and Mighty Thor. He's a girl. I mean, she's a female. The character is all-woman. Current Thor: God of Thunder scribe Jason Aaron (also …