C.O.W.L. / Avengers / Star Wars – Rebel Heist [Reviews]: Labor Daze.

Continuing the "Windy City" trend of GHG topics this week -- WWE Payback, Retro Jordan kicks, Kanye Kardashian, Watch_Dogs (reviewing coming this week), Blackhawks, et al -- is the much-anticipated, brand new creator-owned comic from the scribe of Nightwing. And since the last arc in Dick Grayson's solo offering took the one time Robin (and Batman) …

A MILLION WAYS to DIE in the WEST / MALEFICENT [Reviews]: The End of May-an Cinema.

Your favorite Traveling Nerd Apostle is finally back in sunny California after weeks of traveling the globe in search of all things nerd. This week finds a pair of films I was really looking forward to before my jet-setting nerd cape takes me up, up and away. First up we have Family Guy creator Seth …

RINGSIDE APOSTLES [Shooting Star Press, Vol. II]: Best BOlieve it’s ‘Payback’!

Chicago. If it weren't for our "Reverend" Joe's beloved Blackhawks, it'd be one hell of a time to represent "The Windy City"! Sure, the Rose-less Bulls -- and I'm not talking Adam -- aren't playing in South Beach against the Heat, the White Sox are under .500, and the Cubs... well, you know better than that. …

X-MEN: DAYS of FUTURE… [Podcast]: American Mutant Story.

There was so much to talk about with the brand new X-Men: Days of Future Past, that no single written review could do it justice. So what better film to begin our now-weekly GodHatesGeeks Podcast? With that, we form our own Fantastic Cyber-Clerical Four -- "Father" Ryan Ford, "Reverend" Joe Tower, "The Apostle" Lance Paul, "Monsignor" …

MPH / TMNT 30th / INVINCIBLE [Reviews]: Ch-ch-ch-Changes!

Hey all you bare-knuckle comic book brawlers! It’s about to be another epic bout of Fistful of Comics here in the ring at the Congregation of Cool. We bring more prizefighting, no-holds-barred, bare-knuckle reviews of this weeks new releases. So, if any of you weak-chinned motherf***ers didn’t throw down your gloves at your local comics …