BRUNO SAMMARTINO / DCEASED [Reviews]: Hope At World’s End.

One of the better biography comics I’ve read, Bruno Sammartino #1 is the WWE Hall of Famer’s story in his own words. Pieced together from a series of interviews Sammartino did shortly before his death with writer John Crowther and funded on Kickstarter, the first issue focuses on Sammartino’s early life, from hiding from Nazis …


Darkseid is. Azrael-- Avenging Angel of Apokolips! continues the stories connected to the oncoming war being brought on by Darkseid. This issue of Justice League Odyssey, number twenty, is written astutely by Dan Abnett with sharp art by Cliff Richards and colorist Rain Beredo. The League lose Starfire, Azrael, and Cyborg to the influence of …

G.I. JOE – CLASSIFIED [News/Wishlist]: And Knowing Is Half The Battle…

Now that Hasbro declared that yesterday -- unofficially, mind you -- was a "G.I. Joe Day" of some sorts due to their #FanFirstFriday official release of the first Wave of G.I. Joe: Classified 6" action figures and their 24-hour stream of classic A Real American Hero episodes on their YouTube channel (which I'm still watching, …

STAR WARS [News]: Official Guide To Galaxy’s Edge & A Galaxy’s Worth of Trivia!

Welcome to Batuu, a trading post at the edge of the galaxy where smugglers, bounty hunters, and rogue adventurers swap stories, food, and goods. Like any good tourist, you’re going to need a guidebook to lead you through your visit. Here is your official guide... In 2019, Disney opened a new Star Wars addition to …