Well, well, well. Where do I begin? I guess it’s only right that I start before the beginning, faithful congregants. Months before this game was released, I wrote a preview article based on the 15-minutes of gameplay that was posted to YouTube. I don’t like to brag, but that preview may have been the most accurate biblical prophecy since Moses predicted that Retro Jordans would come back in style.
The graphics, the gameplay, the physics, the controls, the lighting, the sound, the story…EVERYTHING about Dying Light is incredible. I have been playing for 11-hours straight and only managed to tear my living flesh away from the terror to pack a bowl and write this review.
This game is legitimately scary. Zombies creep up behind you, burst through doors, and chase you across rooftops. There are several different kinds of zombies with different attack styles and difficulty levels. I appreciate that. It keeps the cold dead hands of redundancy far away from the game and allows you to lose yourself in planning your attacks. IF, that is, you have time to plan…
This game is a roller coaster of fast-paced action and slow, steady, terrifying suspense. Sneak through the shadows or run for your life? Or should I say “Run for the lights!” When night falls, my butt cheeks clench like the jaws of life as new, terrifying breed of zombies called Volatiles, light sensitive killing machines, come out to play with you (by play, I mean rip out your throat and feast on your corpse. Fun for them AND you). If you’re caught in the darkness, your body will be found heartless. These guys play no games.

Luckily, you’re equipped with a UV flashlight and some flares to scare them off as you aim for higher ground and a safe house. You’ve also got all kinds of melee weapons to bash in some brains with. With modifiers and upgrades that add extra impact, fire, electricity, poison, etc. to your attacks, destroying the dead never felt so good. As a matter of fact, destroying the living is even harder. The bad guy survivors are experts of melee combat and will hack your face off since they are never alone. Molotov’s come in handy here. Eventually, you get a few guns, but once you see the kind of carnage unleashed by the loud bang of a single gunshot, you’ll think twice before switching to your firearm.
The sound effects and the music are incredible. They completely capture the mood of the game and the environment. You can hear a biter breathing, but you may not see it. You can hear footsteps approaching while you have your back turned as you try to pick a lock. Those are actually the moments when things are the most comforting. When there is no noise, my heart pounds out a steady scared-as-hell rhythm as I grip my spiked cricket bat with electrical upgrades.
Your Deacon also gave the multiplayer a spin for a few hours and it’s incredibly addictive. The campaign is ultra-fun with a partner. I played with a good friend of mine who had just started the game. Our strength levels were different, since I have been playing for weeks. I specifically told him “follow my lead, and we will survive the night.” Little did I know, however, I was dealing with a bad ass who didn’t need a silly partner to walk through the streets at night…

Seconds later, there is a loud shriek and the map explodes with red arrows letting me know the Volatiles were completely aware of our presence. So we book it, separately sprinting as fast as our digital legs will carry us towards the nearest safe zone. The life-saving glow of UV lights can be seen in the distance. WAYYY in the distance. We’re not gonna make it! He’s down! I can’t get to him to revive him! Why? Because I’m down too! We’re both dead and it’s all his fault (*insert frown face emoticon*).
During the day time, the larger enemies are easier to defeat with teamwork, but day doesn’t last forever. When the sun sets, you get your ass somewhere safe and you stay put. If you MUST travel at night, have a plan and a partner. The buddy system has never been so useful. Going out at night does have its perks though, as all experience points are doubled! Once you get strong enough you can even take down those nasty volatiles with a few whacks of a bat. Bring a friend though, just in case…
I’m seriously at a loss for words when it comes to describing how awesome this game is. “Perfect” comes to mind but I am unable to speak it, for the simple fact that there is one vital flaw. No Local Multiplayer. It can only be done online. While the online play is flawlessly smooth and insanely fun, I find it frustrating that I can’t invite a friend over to play it with me. That feature alone keeps Dying Light away from a perfect score. Despite, it’s easily the best game I’ve played in years, and most likely my number one game of the year. Yes, I know it’s only February. Who cares!