HALO 6 (343 Industries/Microsoft – Xbox One, PC – TBA) – With the start of E3 approaching, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Developers, media, and consumers alike look forward to this day every year. We all seem to give our two cents on what games may or may not be revealed. One of those being: Halo Infinity. It’s been over a year since we’ve seen a Halo release if you really want to count Halo Wars 2 (it’s been about 3 since we’ve seen a proper release, otherwise) and this year’s E3 feels as if Microsoft may be paving the way for another.
I’m sure at this point we’re all itching to get our hands on Halo 6, especially knowing that Cortana is the villain and all, but as we might educated guess, that won’t be launching for some time. While nothing has been officially confirmed, Halo’s release dates almost consistently release during the fall of every year. The idea of Halo 6 being revealed at this year’s E3, for later this year, seems somewhat unlikely. If anything — despite how badly Xbox could use a grand slam exclusive — we’ll likely receive a release date for late 2019.
As far as what the unveiling of Halo Infinity may be all about, let the speculation commence. What we do know is that the name Infinity seems to be referencing the ship we last saw in Halo 5: Guardians: the USNC Infinity. Or maybe “Infinity” just refers to the endless kills one might have to conjur up in Halo’s new Battle Royale mode. Yeah — that would sell some Xbox One X’s! And, assuming that the ship would hover right back into Halo 6, maybe Halo Infinity will be a closely-tied-to-the-main-series-interlude a.k.a. Fallout 76…
-Amanda Russell
Microsoft’s E3 press conference will be held on Monday, June 10th at 1PM Pacific Standard Time.