HALO [Season 1, Episodes 1-3 Review]: An Ode to the Chief.

Halo exploded onto the scene November 15, 2001 to much fanfare and praise the world over. With it, Microsoft unknowingly created a multimillion dollar franchise and an icon. Through the years Halo’s story got bigger with subsequent sequels, comic books, graphic novels and novels. Hell, even Neill Blomkamp directed Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST’s …

THE GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [#G3G2020 – Zoom Edition]: Xbox Games Showcase!

So... we've finally come down to this: the Xbox Games Showcase rebuttal to PlayStation's pretty rad summer PS5 Reveal Event from 6 weeks back. And The Geekdom Gamescast closes out #G3G2020 with a bang. Joined by streamer and fellow GHGer Patrick Obloy, your host Myke Ladiona and his p.n.c. Travis Moody on S02E10 with the …