Virtual Comic-Con has had its fair share of interesting panels, as you’ve no doubt read here at GodHatesGeeks, and the cast, and producer, of Hulu’s upcoming Marvel Studios supernatural drama, Helstrom, gave brief, chatty first look at the series this past weekend.
Showrunner Paul Zbyszewski opened up the panel by speaking out about some of the recent events surrounding political and social concerns that envelope the release of the series, and how the themes of struggle that play out in the news and in the streets can be reflected in the themes of the show — good versus evil; rising above one’s upbringing and family to do the right thing. He opened up the discussion to stars June Carryl (Dr. Louise Hastings) and Robert Wisdom (Caretaker), who gave some first-person accounts of racism and bigotry throughout their respective careers.
After this discussion, the panel opened with the first ever screening of the trailer, and the first footage of the show. As seen in the reactions of the cast, this was also THEIR very first glimpse of the finished footage, and their excitement was palpable. Actor Elizabeth Marvel (who plays Victoria Helstrom) then provided some context for how she developed her character — in particular her character’s voice, which she claimed was so unnerving set security thought a bear had entered her trailer.
Zbyszewski provided some further details of what fans can expect from the show — from the tone, to what connection the series held to the larger MCU — while Wisdom detailed the difference between his iteration of Caretaker, and that of the comics (his will have considerably more to do than sulk from the shadows).
Star Tom Austen, however, provided the clearest context for what fans should expect. A darker, more magic-laden series focusing on two children of bad (in this case, literally evil) parents, and how they try to overcome their own upbringing. Elements of Lucifer, and Hellblazer, seemed to ooze through, at least tonally, and despite a brief signal interruption, Austen had done a hell of a job selling the upcoming Hulu series.
To round things out, actor Alain Uy (Chris Yen), then closed the panel off in a fun, laughable way by seemingly spoiling the entire series (don’t worry, it was bleeped out), over the objections of his costars. “I had one job, and I just couldn’t do it.” he closed out, laughing.

It was a light end to a panel that seems like it’s going to go to dark, brooding places. The panel was a bit brief, but the footage — and show — look great. Here’s hoping Hulu makes it a good one. 3.5/5 Bibles.
-J.L. Caraballo