Say what you want about Rob Liefeld, because, quite frankly, the man has heard it all. But one thing you can’t take away from the Deadpool co-creator — judging by Thursday’s Comic-Con@Home IDW: Snake Eyes panel with ComicBook.com’s Jim Viscardi — is his sheer enthusiasm. Liefeld is practically an 11-year old boy in a 52-year old man’s body, and was practically born for his latest role as Snake Eyes: Deadgame writer and artist.
I reviewed the book, and, no worries, kids, the feet look good. While Liefeld takes many risks with this brand new G.I. Joe comic, even just right on the first page, Deadgame feels 100% like a high-octane Snake Eyes-centered event, and the interwoven Joes fit snug into the narrative as well. Check my mini-review here.
In all, Liefeld and Viscardi have a fun, just-under-40-minute convo during the panel, and the creator’s charisma carries at the the speed of a katana. Whether you’ve been a big supporter or extreme Twitter-dick of the creator, you can’t question his commitment, his energetic passion for these properties, and his desire to always go “big”. Liefeld came straight from the heart on his first toys: G.I. Joe. “[It] was the thing that I saw in TV. I saw the commercials, I saw on the shelves of the toy store, and I had to have [them]. G.I. Joe had a kung-fu grip and an eagle eye that you could look through that had a periscope, and he had all kinds of superhero friends and villains. He battled aliens! So this was my cup of tea.”
Rob also spoke on how this deal with IDW was put together, his initial chat with Chris Ryall (who recently stepped down from the company as EIC), and his passions for Joe and the Snake Eyes character in particular. As our push towards more action figure and classic toy IP-catered features has shown, there’s been a major resurgence in Transformers and especially G.I. Joe in 2020. After watching Rob Liefeld just bowl over in excitement for the same stuff we love as fans, I’m glad he’s a part of it too. 3.75/5 Bibles.
-Travis Moody