HOLIDAY VIDEO GAME RELEASES [Preview Podcast, Pt. I]: 2K Shines.. ‘Before SUNSET; After’

Holy smokes there's a lot of video games coming out this Holiday. So allow us to be the first one to divy through them all and let you know the goods on what's coming this month. Check out the podcast in the SoundCloud below... [soundcloud_ultimate track=]   Or, if that's not working for ya, listen …

E3 ’14 [The Bible Scale, Pt. I]: ‘Zero’ing in on The Future of video games.

Rather than belt the congregation with 300,000 articles of game news from the demos we played at E3 this year, we decided to take a different approach: The Bible Scale. This feature allows your trusty Monsignor to break down and rank every AAA video game on the convention floor -- with more on Sony and …

ALIEN / TERMINATOR / BSG [Hero Complex Film Festival ’14]: Science Friction.

Hitting off the first of three nights of the Hero Complex Film Festival at the TCL Chinese 6 in sunny-lovely Los Angeles was a celebration of... BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (But please jump to our coverage of: Terminator/Terminator 2 or Alien/Aliens, if you insist...) This free-fan event featured the big screen appearance of the 2003 BSG miniseries that …