ATLANTIS ATTACKS / BATMAN [Comics Reviews]: Black And Blue.

After wondering where disgruntled Namor went after Avengers, I happened to come up on Atlantis Attacks. I mean, where else can I find him? The Avengers were too busy dealing with Khonshu and now Mephisto, and that has gotten rather tiring. Marvel can’t just be X, Thor, and Hulk books. The Agents of Atlas, former …

ULTRA COMICS / HIT 1957 / DARK TOWER / REGULAR SHOW [Reviews]: Handboning & Hummus!

Greetings, congregation! This week's Stash has a few interesting surprises, from a trip to the lurid streets of 1950's Los Angeles, to a trip through the Multiversity. Winter's chill is finally nothing more than a memory, and as spring arrives, so do some of this season's newest titles! What say we start off with an …