THE E3ODUS [E3 2015 Preview, Week 6/Podcast]: ‘Born’ to fight.

With the Electronic Entertainment Expo -- E3, parishioners -- just a few days away, we're down to our final video game previews within E3odus. Better yet, we also have a PrE3 Podcast for your listening pleasure. So, join "Papa Justifid" Spencer Fawcett, "Brother" Myke Ladiona, "Saint" Patrick Obloy, and, yours truly, "Monsignor" Travis Moody for …

DESTINY [Beta Face-Off Review]: Destined (to buy), We Are.

Being one of GHG's most anticipated titles this fall, the Destiny beta was something neither your Christ-ine or Templar couldn't wait to dig in to. As long-time Halo loving, plasma grenade-tossing, tea-bagging bitches (yes even you, recently married man!), Bungie's new IP has us both enthralled and undoubtedly wanting more... CHRIST, I LOVE THIS …

RTX: Halo, High-Tech, & Creepers.. sure clenched 2013 attendees’ Rooster Teeth.

For Mrs. Hoobastank’s 5th grade class (I'm not an actual student and no longer welcome at or within 1,000 feet from this or any other school ever again)...   Dear my fellow 5th grade student-Americans, What did you do for your holiday weekend? I bet it was lame and stupid and you probably only had …

PrE3: Parish Picks & Pre-dicks (Part Deux) – Booth Babe Edition.

We're kidding. We just know how to handle "the merchandise", knawmsayins? The GHG panel is back to discuss games, games, and games...and the little game we play called Booth Babe Hunt. No, we really talk about games. Promise...   “The” Christian Seufert: Bungie said that it is going to have gameplay footage (thank God!) for …