MASS EFFECT 4 [New Details Leak]: Galactus, eat your world out.

As if all the fangirl and boy geekgasms from the Star Wars Celebration this past weekend weren't enough, new details from N7 have leaked via Reddit. Whether the following notes, leaked from a recent Bioware marketing survey, are true or not -- info previously leaked for Bioware's mighty Dragon Age: Inquisition much in the same …

DESTINY [Beta Face-Off Review]: Destined (to buy), We Are.

Being one of GHG's most anticipated titles this fall, the Destiny beta was something neither your Christ-ine or Templar couldn't wait to dig in to. As long-time Halo loving, plasma grenade-tossing, tea-bagging bitches (yes even you, recently married man!), Bungie's new IP has us both enthralled and undoubtedly wanting more... CHRIST, I LOVE THIS …

Come sail away.. Come sail away.. Our Top 10 Video Games of 2012!

Hey, hey, hey. Happy New Year. You know, the Rev's had a pretty decent New Year's. Was able to completely make an ass out of myself in the Happy Ending Employee World Shuffleboard Championship at.. uh.. Barney's Beanery on Sunday night (after viewing a great Patriots shutout over the 'Phins); made some good money watching …