E3 WRAP-UP [Podcast]: To the Next-Gen Victor go the Spoils…

Who won this year's E3? Everyone who attended and followed our coverage, that's who. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NClekN9U_IA Here's what happens when 3 drunken clergymen and a Christian walk into a bar... Panic ensues! "Reverend" Joe Rivera, "King" Ray Getsbusy, and "The" Christian Seufert join the "Monsignor" Travis Moody to discuss all the fire and lameness of this …

PrE3: Parish Picks & Pre-dicks (Part Deux) – Booth Babe Edition.

We're kidding. We just know how to handle "the merchandise", knawmsayins? The GHG panel is back to discuss games, games, and games...and the little game we play called Booth Babe Hunt. No, we really talk about games. Promise...   “The” Christian Seufert: Bungie said that it is going to have gameplay footage (thank God!) for …