SAN ANDREAS [Review]: The Rock’s Fault (line).

Every summer needs a big, ridiculous and expensive disaster movie and this summers answer to that is director Brad Peyton’s giant California wrecking earthquake movie, San Andreas... Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (Furious 7) has made it clear that he is never going to stop going after your box office dollars, and he is having …

RINGSIDE APOSTLES [Podcast]: ‘Reign’ing in on the Royal Rumble!

So, it took the RAW after the RAW after the PPV (do we still even call those big monthly wrestling events that anymore?) to apologize for the travesty that was the Royal Rumble main event. Leave it up to our Ringside Apostles, "The Bishop" Richard Zom and "Saint SuperKick" Kenny Sanders to lay the smacketh …

HERCULES [Review]: If you spearrrrrrrrrrrr.. what ‘The Herc’ is cookin’!

Team Hercules... F#*k yeah! With myth coming to life on the silver screen, director Brett Ratner (Rush Hour) and WWE-superstar-turned-global-acting-phenomenon, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, have collaborated to dispel what we think we know about the legend-- only to create an entirely new demigod of pure popcorn entertainment. Shooting out of the gate with intense …

RINGSIDE APOSTLES [Podcast]: W.M. 30 PREVIEW – We’re goin ‘Streak’ing!

We're baaaaaaaaaaaack!!! And, more importantly, we're HERE. Your favorite wrassle-chat numbskulls -- "Bishop" Richard Zom, "Guy" Padre Copes, and "Monsignor" Trav Moody -- are here for yet another installment of the RINGSIDE APOSTLES. This time, with a very special show: our WrestleMania 30 Preview Podcast! On the program, we discuss the first month results of …