ASSASSIN’S CREED VALHALLA [Early Impressions Review]: History, Repeated.

After about 20 or so hours into the most recent offering from Ubisoft, I feel comfortable enough to provide a mostly comprehensive “First Impressions” of the eagerly anticipated, Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. I’m a big fan of context, and I like to provide it to qualify my opinions and reviews. For one, I am a big …

VIKINGS [Season 5, Episode 3 Review]: Homeland Away From Home.

Another week, another very solid.. hell.. great episode of Vikings. Episode 3, "Homeland" gives us some excellent character moments where we truly get to know the players that we, the audience, need to know more about.. rather than hanging the story on already established -- fairly drab and over exposed -- characters. We don't need …

SDCC ’14 [The Bible Scale, Pt. II]: If (my TV) only had a Brain…

The Bible Scale hath returned! In this volume, your favorite clergy-geeeeeeeeeeeeeekks return to break down what's hitting the boob tube this fall. Of course, none of us were brave enough this past Friday to hit the all-dreaded Hall H. So, some of your favs -- The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., etc. …