With the Electronic Entertainment Expo — E3, parishioners — less than 2-weeks away, we’ve got over 30 games in 10 days to preview. Welcome to Day 2.
DEUS EX: MANKIND DIVIDED (Square Enix/Eidos Montreal – PS4, X1, PC – August 23) – To be perfectly blunt, I’ve never played any of the Deus Ex games; although I’ve heard nothing but good things about them, I just never had the time to invest in the series. That WAS until I watched the latest trailer for Mankind Divided (where yours truly was lovingly compared to the main character — or is it, more likely, the soon-to-be-perished bearded guy who frolicks around in joy with his soon-to-be-cyborg wife? Moody, that jerk!). MD picks up 2-years after the last, the especially lauded Deus Ex: Human Revolution, where the enhanced humans went slightly homicidal and things are not in a good place. While the trailer just dropped, gameplay walkthroughs have also been released and the game does look quite smooth, running on Eidos Montreal’s Dawn Engine. With only less than 3 months before the game is released, it will be interesting to get behind the “natural augmentation” of Adam Jensen–tasteless pre-order bonus methods or not.
“BISHOP” RICHARD ZOM” @eyebzombie
RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 (Rockstar – PS4, X1, PC – TBA 2017) – On the heels of a long way to travel, we finally get a teaser to Red Dead Redemption 2. Of course, the Bishop’s first thoughts were: Is Rockstar finally giving us a sequel, or is this game a prequel? (As initially rumored). It would be nice to dive more into the “rugged jaw” life of who John Marston was, and even receive more story of his time with Dutch van der Linde and the gang he rode with; thus, the game has to take place before the introduction of the railway system, leading for more N’lins territory to explore and tear through! On the other hand, it’s hard not to be intrigued by the possibility of seeing Marson’s son Jack step into the role. Is that a dark silhouette I see riding off in the distance? Well, well, then; steer clear of that red-eye pistol carrying bad-ass.

“DEACON” FELIPE CRESPO @theheelternal
FORZA HORIZON 3 (Microsoft/Turn 10 – Xbox One – TBA Q3/Q4 2016) – What game that I choose to write about? The one that’s all but confirmed and is basically a ghost. Seriously, all we know is that the cover car is the Lamborghini Centenario and that a placeholder case was MAYBE spotted in a Gamestop in Switzerland or something. Why did I pick it, then? Because damn it if Forza Horizon isn’t my absolute favorite racing series. It has an unparalleled feeling of freedom and discovery, a ridiculous amount of cars and tinkering that gearheads can enjoy, and you can choose whether you want to race clean and make precision turns or do some off road rally racing. The game can cater to pretty much any racing style you’re in the mood for. Other racers will force you get licenses to drive certain cars and get into certain races and that’s.. something. Personally, I’ll stick with Horizon (though here’s hoping you can skip the obnoxious video at the start, if it has one).