Now, before drifting off to a comic “couple” that opts to keep their sheets clean, I’d like to commend Matt Fraction for the year he had in 2013. You see, I was asked to contribute a bio towards our collaboration with Comics Bulletin for a piece on the Top 10 Comic Writers of the Year, and Matt Fraction was already spoken for. Obviously. This was the same guy whose middling efforts with Marvel (Uncanny X-Men, Fear Itself) were saved by the graces of metallic brilliance. Initially revered for Casanova, later admired for a colorful Thor and damn near worshipped for The Immortal Iron Fist, one could argue that Fract’s run on Invincible Iron Man is the best ever – and perhaps played a key part in inspiring the flick that set off this incredible Marvel train.
Yet, it wasn’t until his quirky-yet-cool Defenders comic where Fraction let the keyboard fly. It was then where Frac decided to do Marvel comics his way; essentially where the scribe rolled up his sleeves, threw the glasses back on and allowed his capes to hang up those.. capes for at the very least a day or two. For that, both they — and we the reader – have much to be thankful.

Both Hawkeye (the #1 comic on my 2013 list) and FF (a.k.a. Future Foundation) have no problem playing the guilty pleasure as they are at shooting it straight, smart and insightful. They’ve also been known for packing quite the emotional punch. What makes Hawkeye unique, in addition to all of those attributes, is offering two stories for the price of one. While most know the purple-clad Hawkguy best for his roles as not-so-secret Avenger and S.H.I.E.L.D. espionager, there’s another Hawkeye who justifies taking up as much space in those panels. Blame it on our shared residence (Los Angeles) or on my unfortunate interest with feisty brunettes (I kid.. kinda sorta), but Kate Bishop’s arrows have always pierced by heart.