A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 42]: A Marvel-ous Power-Con.

As you can see, we at ATKM are not above the useful pun; and this week is no different. We break down the latest Hasbro Marvel Legends Monday and break down all the vintage Spider-Man action figures. While finishing off that segment with a quick dip into the Star Wars The Vintage Collection pool, but the main event?

Power-Con 2021! That’s right. The forces of good and evil were on full effect this weekend and We were there to witness it all. All the Mattel, Mondo and Factory Entertainment and Super7 Masters of the Universe goodness and there was a LOT. We got a glimpse into the 2022/2023 future and the pain our wallets will feel will be worth it. There were also some great panels that we sat in on.

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