THOR / GOTHAM ACADEMY / GUARDIANS 3000 [Reviews]: She’s All That.

Now that it's the end of...Futures End, we're back to normal. And if you mean by normal that we're reviewing battles between historical egos, a comic Goddess of Thunder, Guardians of.. 3000 galaxies, and a haunted school full of bratty children who want to be like Batman... then, yeah, things are bound to NEVER get …

DC FUTURES END #1’s [Sunday Stash, Round 3]: Almost Prrrrr…fect.

Our fourth installment of the FUTURES END Sunday Stash sees the end of it, cleaning up a pair of rivalries from last week with a smothering of titillating others. Which title prevails on top? Scroll down to find out. Today's development with the Futures End arc continues in the pages of New Suicide Squad #1 …

ROCHE LIMIT / NEW AVENGERS [Reviews]: Butterflies, Dragons, Aliens, and.. Joes?

Fistful of Comics. Here. We. Go. Aliens: Fire and Stone is the prequel comic set before Prometheus: Fire and Stone – that I also reviewed -- and chronicles the misadventures of a group of colonists escaping Hadley’s Hope from the Aliens film. This issue is very light on character development, as was the case with the …

DC FUTURES END #1’s [Sunday Stash, The Vs. Edition!]: Injustice For All.

The title says it all! Round Two: FIGHT! Yeah, any comics that feature a polar bear that shoots lasers from its eyes can't be all bad, and that's kind of the story of Justice League United: Futures End. Written by Jeff Lemire (Animal Man) and illustrated by Jed Dougherty (Action Comics, Glory), United brings in …


"It's been a long time, we shouldn't have left you." - Rakim Yes, it's been 9 -- NINE long days since we've last hit you off with an update (until we were blessed with the Divine One's excellent take on the new season of SOA), so we have a barrel of epic articles this week …

DC FUTURES END #1’s [Sunday Stash Reviews] : Just a Relaxing, Sunday Time Travel…

Is it Sunday again ALREADY?! On this day, the Year of Our Moody, 7th of September, 2014, The Congregation of Cool is going to defy physics and TIME TRAVEL so to best review for you TEN alternate timelines within DC's Futures End New 52! ALL #1's! ALL YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS! ALL THE WHAT-IFS YOU CAN HANDLE IN ONE SITTING! …