GRAYSON / NEW SUICIDE SQUAD / SPIDER-MAN 2099 [Reviews]: No Longer Just ‘Robin’!

Welcome to a very special Arrow edition of Fistful of Comics-- without "The Hood". You see, there's some heavy hitters coming to CW's #1 show (and arguably the most beloved superhero TV show since Lou Ferrigno painted himself green), so there's no surprise DC Comics is here to capitalize on the goods. The Vampire Diaries' Steven …

DEADPOOL vs… SAM FISHER!!??! [Sunday Stash Reviews]: New X-Force title ‘Echoes’ of X-Mas past!

Your friendly neighborhood Traveling Nerd Apostle and Cardinal Brooks are taking this Sunday Stash and leaving our mark all over it.... Wait a minute; that just sounds naughty! It's been a great week in all things Geek. Even as we took a couple of days off to celebrate the Birthday of Ol' Lady Liberty with …

BATMAN vs. SUPERMAN [Sunday Sermon]: Issue #32 – Blessed is the ONE!

Superman and Batman: the 32nd issues of the titular DC septuagenarian superheros hit the shelves last week, and both are quite the read... Each issue is a benchmark in the New 52 reboot of the DC Universe. Geoff Johns pens and John Romita Jr. pencils Superman #32, and Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's run on Batman reaches …

OUTCAST / ORIGINAL SIN: IRON MAN vs. HULK [Reviews]: The Devil Inside.

Our All-New FISTFUL of COMICS Now! is back--and we've got a slate of both new and old school reviewers seeking their inner demons. It's the evil within our congregation that.. oh.. we sometimes just gotta get out. With that said, study up on the goods, check your pull-lists twice and enjoy the show. (jump to) …

THE WICKED + THE DIVINE / BATMAN & RA’AS al GHUL [Reviews]: Gods Among Us.

Introducing our new format for Fistful of Comics. No longer will you miss comics due to our clunky page system (yes, I'm talking to you, you skeezy little blog-skimmers!), and our reviews will now be separated into sections with the wonderful people who accompany them. If scrolling is too painful, then here are some jump …