MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS [Comic-Con@Home]: The Future Is Now.

Well, I gotta say, it is weird to watch these SDCC panels from home after being at so many of the actual conventions! But... at least they still happened. And the one I'm a bout to review is all about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, specifically the comic titles being published by BOOM! Studios. The Comic-Con@Home …

IDW SNAKE EYES w/ ROB LIEFELD [Comic-Con@Home]: “Toys Are A Big Deal”.

Say what you want about Rob Liefeld, because, quite frankly, the man has heard it all. But one thing you can't take away from the Deadpool co-creator -- judging by Thursday's Comic-Con@Home IDW: Snake Eyes panel with ComicBook.com's Jim Viscardi -- is his sheer enthusiasm. Liefeld is practically an 11-year old boy in a 52-year …


DECODING THE LEE/KIRBY DYNAMIC - Comic-Con@Home It's one of those “chicken and egg” questions, one that ardent Marvel fans will argue about: who created the Marvel Universe as we know it? Was it Stan Lee? Was it Jack Kirby? Or, was it truly a mixture of the two with a few other ingredients mixed in (Steve …

MARVEL’S NEXT BIG THING [Comic-Con@Home / Reviews]: Boardwalk ‘Empyre’.

COMIC REVIEW I don’t know about you, but I’ve been starving for new comics-- especially from Marvel! During the quarantine I caught up on all of my comic reading and even read some stuff I previously had no interest in prior to COVID-19. Now enter: Empyre, the next big multi-title, "Fate of the Universe, Epic …

HIP-HOP AND COMICS [Comic-Con@Home]: Rap Legends x Comic Creators x Visual Artists Assemble!

Rap Legends, Comic Creators, And Visual Artists For the past eight years, the ‘Hip-Hop And Comics: Cultures Combining’ panel has been a highlight of San Diego Comic-Con’s programming, occupying a prime-time place of honor on the Friday evening of the annual pop culture gathering. And on Friday, July 24th, at 6PM PDT/9PM EDT, an all-new …