Move over Scarlett: Behold this Captain’s Marvel-ous Return!!

Captain Marvel is back in action, though he's no longer the Kree-an (that means a life form hailing from Kree) spy, sent to Earth to determine if humans were a threat to the empire, and incorrectly called "Captain Marvel" (his name was actually Mar-Vell) by the people he was spying on.  He's human, though admittedly …

Batman: Earth One – This Alfred will $%*^ you out dead with zero warning!

It's no surprise the name "Michael Caine" is likely to be one of the very first mentioned following any initial take of The Dark Knight Rises. So leave it up to arguably the finest writer at DC Comics in the past decade.. to fuck that all up. In a good way. Geoff Johns' "Earth One" version of Alfred …