GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [Episode 39.B]: E3 2021 – Nintendo x Square Enix.

And.. we're not done. While the Gamescast wasn't able to attend E3 2021 in the flesh, there were still plenty of other digital presentations to review-- including the annual Nintendo Direct (highlighted by Metroid Dread!) and Square Enix Forward, featuring Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy! Travis, Dee and Felipe also deep dive into the …

GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [Episode 39.A]: E3 2021 – Xbox x Bethesda / Ubisoft Review.

It’s really happened! Sorta. E3 2021 just passed us by, and Xbox/Bethesda Showcase was arguably the only conference that tried to be a traditional E3 conference. Also, we saw a Ubisoft Forward. The VG_Trooper himself, Patrick Obloy, joins us to talk about what little we saw in Ubisoft, and the megamix of THIRTY GAMES that …

NIER REPLICANT VER. 1.22474487139… [Review]: NieRly Good.

My first entry into the NieR series was with NieR Automata. The cerebral impact Automata had on me, made me extremely curious about the events prior. Thankfully the original NieR game (named differently per region) came out as a remake called NieR Replicant Ver.1.22474487139...  Why the long number? I don’t know because...Yoko Taro. Honestly, my explanation for nearly everything that happens in …