Greeting from Cyrodiil humble congregants!
Your boy spent last weekend lost in the realms of the Elder Scrolls Online Beta and I have to say, this game is more addictive than a whole heap of skooma. Ever since I first stepped into the realms of The Elder Scrolls with Oblivion, I have imagined playing with and against real people. If you ever played Skyrim or any of the other games and wished you could slash up someone that’s not an A.I. character, then my friends… your dreams have come true!
This time around, the graphics in the beta were better than ever. While they are not on par with Skyrim, they at least matched or possibly even surpassed those of Oblivion. The detail in the water and the foliage was very promising. There were no weather changes while I was playing, but there most likely will be in the full version of the game. Even the detail on structures was vibrant. There was a lack in some mechanics, especially archery. When you fire an arrow, it disappears where it lands (no arrow filled corpses for you!).
Don’t let that get you down though, my fellow graphic junkies. Remember, this is still only a Beta. When you add in the size of the lands you get to explore (the largest Elder Scrolls ever made) and the fact that you are playing with thousands of other people, you have a game that will blow your mind and your visual cortex at the same time. Even with what the game lacks — so far — graphically, it puts other MMO games to shame. When the full version releases, you’re going to hear plenty of people saying “World of What?” Yeah, I remember my first MMO…

There are a TON of quests in this game. In the course of a weekend, your Templar played at least 100 of them. Everywhere you go there are quests available to help level up your character. One problem… a lot of them suck. Many of them were just “Go talk to this guy and get something for me. He’s four buildings down the road.” Then there were…
(Cont. on next page!)