RINGSIDE APOSTLES [Premiere Episode]: The 2020 Apostle Awards!

Finallyyyyyy.. the Ringside Apostles have come back.. to.. YouuuTuuube! That’s right, your fav wrasslin’ geeks have relaunched the classic GHG podcast into video form, and we start off big. Wrestle Kingdom/WrestleMania BIG!

Watch Part 1 here!

Our premiere episode is so big that we had to go 2 parts, covering the Best and Worst moments from the crazy pandemic era of professional wrestling. It’s our 2020 Apostle Awards, and we know you’ll enjoy it.

Watch Part 2 here!

Stay tuned for more episodes in the new year, covering NJPW’s Wrestle Kingdom 15 and WWE’s 2021 Royal Rumble. Subscribe to GodHatesGeeks on YouTube right here.