GROOT / SECRET WARS / RENEW YOUR VOWS / ARMOR WARS / YEARS of FUTURE PAST [Reviews]: Beginning is the End is the Beginning!

This is it. The beginning of the end of the Marvel Universe, Yes, yes...the Secret Wars have been going on for a while, but this is IT! We here at GodHatesGeeks are taking a close look at the crossover event of the year, and just what titles are worth your time, money, and eye-muscle strength. …


"It's been a long time, we shouldn't have left you." - Rakim Yes, it's been 9 -- NINE long days since we've last hit you off with an update (until we were blessed with the Divine One's excellent take on the new season of SOA), so we have a barrel of epic articles this week …

Blast(s) From The Past! [Sunday Stash Reviews]: Captain Victory, Jennifer Blood, Howtoons, & Usagi Yojimbo ARE BACK?

The Congregation of Cool has convened, nerdonites! Whether Sunday is the end of your week, or just the beginning, and no matter where you choose to spend it, for us here in the rectory at GodHatesGeeks, it means Sunday Stash! And today is a biggie, so let's dip our hand down in the comics cache! We've …

SDCC ’14 [The Bible Scale, Pt. I]: DC vs. Marvel COMICS – The ‘Saga’ Continues!

If you followed our coverage of E3 this year (and I know you did), The Bible Scale should sound familiar to you. This particular editorial feature was a huge success a little more than a month ago -- the week presented our best traffic ever -- so we thought, "Oh, what the hell-- let's do …


With this week's Sunday Stash, it's time to go back...BACK TO THE FUTURE!!! Well, Future's End #0 that is. That’s right, my congregation of holy coolness, your very own master of the verbal rope-a-dope and all around pitier of fools, Guy Padre, is making a special Tuesday appearance at the site that always rocks the …

ALL-NEW GHOST RIDER / SILVER SURFER #1 [Reviews]: Sunday Surf ‘n Turf.

Your favorite Traveling Nerd has found himself in Hotlanta, doing some post-production on a film, and a great little comic shop by the name of Oxford Comics off of Piedmont Street. What a gem of a comic shop too! Encompassing everything from new comics, graphic novels to older and harder to find issues, this is …