MARIO KART 8 vs. WOLFENSTEIN: THE NEW ORDER [Reviews]: 1 thing, and 1 thing only: ‘Karting’ Nazis!

Oh Nintendo, it was only a matter of time until you brought the most-revered kart racer to the Wii U— and I'll be damned if it isn't one of the best entries I've ever played in the franchise! Although the Battle Mode leaves a lot to be desired, Mario Kart 8 is a quintessential title …

WATCH_DOGS [Review]: Everything but the Jump-Drive.

Ok, I’ve got to hurry / I’m contacting you from an unsecured line-- and it won’t take them long to find me / God, I hope this message transmits successfully... There’s a new horizon upon us, a digital horizon, where weaponry isn’t always razor-sharp or ballistic. Watch_Dogs is yet another free world, mission based, driving, shooting, …

RINGSIDE APOSTLES [Podcast]: It’s ‘PAYBACK’ for the new A.G.E.N.T.S. of Shield.

I'd say, "we're here"-- but not exactly. Our latest Ringside Apostles program is unlike any other we've had before, much in thanks to our two newest members of the Church of Cool: the all-too mysterious, yet-far-from-dubious Moses Lee, and -- FINALLY!! -- the debut of none other than Kenny "Saint Superkick" Sanders. They join your …

STREET FIGHTER – ASSASSIN’S FIST [Review]: A ‘Surrrrre-Youuu-KEN’!!!

Thou shall not adapt a video game to film. Time and time again we’re shown why this commandment exists: To protect us. Nothing causes a stir in the congregation more than the news that another game-to-film adaptation is in the works. One of the main culprits? The Street Fighter series. We all remember how terrible, yet …