#SONYE3 ’14 [TrailerPorn]: Exploring new & ‘Uncharted’ Territory!

Sony destroyed Microsoft during the press conferences at last year's E3. But what about this year? They decided to begin the show with a game that is on both systems, although Destiny appears to have more support on PlayStation. But they certainly may have made up for that nonsense with impressive exclusives such as The …

STREET FIGHTER – ASSASSIN’S FIST [Review]: A ‘Surrrrre-Youuu-KEN’!!!

Thou shall not adapt a video game to film. Time and time again we’re shown why this commandment exists: To protect us. Nothing causes a stir in the congregation more than the news that another game-to-film adaptation is in the works. One of the main culprits? The Street Fighter series. We all remember how terrible, yet …